What is Good for Toothache?

Toothache is one of the serious problems that leave people helpless. Many of us try right or wrong practices to relieve toothache. Relentless toothaches that occur especially during night rest hours when you cannot reach the dentist have left their place in our minds as bad memories. The severity of toothache increases in direct proportion to the proximity of the caries that have occurred in the tooth and whose treatment has been neglected, to the pulp (nerve) of the tooth. Situations where toothache is unbearable are when the decay reaches the pulp and the nerve that gives sensation to the tooth is in contact with the oral environment. The cause of other unbearable pains is due to abscess caused by infection in the root and soft tissue of the tooth caused by caries that have not been treated for a long time. In both cases, they are sharp pains that are reflected in the ears in the form of throbbing, giving a feeling of numbness. As with all oral problems, the first step in toothaches is to consult a dentist without wasting time. In cases where it is not possible to go to the dentist: If you see signs of swelling in the area, a cold compress applied to this area with ice wrapped in a towel will help reduce the pain and prevent swelling.

- A warm salty gargle in the mouth may help reduce your pain.

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