Chocolate Cysts

Chocolate cyst, also known as endometrioma, is one of several types of cysts in the ovaries. A chocolate cyst is a sac growing on the ovary that contains liquid and sometimes semi-solid material, in which case it may be called a complex ovarian cyst. In simple words, a chocolate cyst is a blood-filled cyst located in the ovaries.

Endometrioma is one of the estrogen-dependent gynecological diseases that affects approximately 5% to 10% of women of reproductive age. The symptoms of a chocolate cyst are similar to endometriosis in that the underlying disease is the same, but all cases are individual. Regardless of how long the cysts have been present, some women will have severe symptoms, while other women will have little or no symptoms. Therefore, the degree and severity of symptoms do not always indicate how far the endometrioma has progressed.

Chocolate Cyst: How Does It Form?

A chocolate cyst, as in endometriosis, During menstruation, endometrial tissue (tissue coming from the inner surface of your uterus) passes through the fallopian tubes and is poured into the abdominal cavity with menstrual blood, where it abnormally sticks to the ovaries and grows. When stimulated by the estrogen hormone in these places where endometrial cells adhere, the cells multiply and during menstruation, the endometrial cells in the uterus are shed into the vagina, while the endometrial cells and blood accumulated between the ovaries and the abdominal membrane cause the formation of a cyst.

Why is it called a chocolate cyst? ?

The endometrial tissue inside the ovarian cyst responds to monthly hormones. This tissue fills the interior of these cysts with unclotted blood. Chocolate cysts get their name from the old blood that is black, tarry and thick, resembling chocolate. Other names given for chocolate cyst are endometrial cyst, endometrioma cyst and chocolate ovarian cyst.

Symptoms of Chocolate Cyst or Endometrioma;

The most common form of endometrioma Common symptoms:

Abdominal cramping/bloating during menstrual cycle,  

Abnormal bleeding/spotting,  

Painful menstrual periods,  

Excessive vaginal bleeding,  

Dark vaginal discharge,

Pain when going to the toilet, while urinating or emptying the intestines,

Pain during sexual intercourse and

Pain during exercises

Severe pain in chocolate cyst rupture may be the source. If a chocolate cyst ruptures, the contents can spill into the ovaries and other organs of the pelvis. This can cause complications such as adhesion, infection, and intense pelvic pain. A ruptured cyst can be a serious medical emergency. If you have symptoms such as excessive bleeding, fever, vomiting, or severe pain, you should consult a specialist immediately. Some other conditions that mimic this disease include ovarian cysts, Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy or tubal pregnancy is a complication that occurs when the pregnancy is located outside the uterus.

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