If we were to ask, 'Which disease do you think causes death most?', the first answer that would come to most people's minds would be cancer. However, studies show that coronary heart disease is one of the leading diseases that causes death.
Coronary arteries are vessels that carry oxygen and nutrients to the heart muscle. It got this name because it surrounds the heart like a crown. There is an endothelial layer in the innermost part of our blood and lymph vessels. The arteries of a healthy individual are flexible and durable. It also has a smooth surface. Therefore, a smooth blood flow is observed. If the amount of fat in the blood increases, the white blood cells and platelets in the endothelial layer become sticky. As this stickiness progresses, our white blood cells stick to the endothelial layer and swallow LDL (malignant) cholesterol. As this condition progresses, white blood cells form plaques that cause arteriosclerosis. Plaques have the ability to grow, they contain calcium, and as they grow, they narrow our vessels. As a result of all this, there is no longer a healthy blood flow through our veins, our veins cannot receive enough nutrition and they are deprived of oxygen. Angina pectoris (chest pain) brings with it a heart attack.
Obesity, which is also the cause of diseases such as hypertension (high blood pressure) and diabetes, is the most common trigger for heart diseases. Even when people lose a small amount of weight, there is an improvement in their blood tests. The results of clinical studies have shown that the risk of coronary heart diseases decreases if serum cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol are reduced through positive changes in the diet. A 1% decrease in cholesterol reduces the risk of disease by 2%. For this reason, the first and most important step to achieve a solution in cardiovascular diseases will be to correct your diet and switch to a quality lifestyle.
Things to consider to achieve a solution:
FAT CONSUMPTION: The most important factor in the formation of coronary heart disease is the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, a low-density lipoprotein among the lipoproteins that transport cholesterol in the blood. Studies have shown that the type of fat consumed is effective in increasing the amount of LDL. has been sweated. Consuming excessive amounts of saturated fat and not maintaining the balance between mono-polyunsaturated fatty acids increases the risk of atheroma formation in the coronary vessels. If HDL cholesterol increases in the blood, the cholesterol is transported to the liver and broken down into bile and similar products. In other words, unlike LDL, HDL reduces the risk of coronary heart disease. Solid fats have high saturated fat content. For this reason, liquid oils should be preferred instead of solid oils. Consumption of trans fatty acids causes an increase in heart diseases. It is recommended to consume olive oil, which is high in oleic acid, instead of solid oils such as butter and margarine. Olive oil reduces LDL cholesterol with its oleic acid content. If you want to lower LDL and increase HDL, it is important to include omega-3 fatty acids in your diet as well as monounsaturated fatty acids. From the age of 2, skim or semi-skimmed milk, cheese and yoghurt should be preferred.
MEAT AND MEAT PRODUCTS: Red meat has a high saturated fat content. It would be better to choose fish-seafood, chicken and turkey meat. Homocysteine is an amino acid that is important for your cardiovascular health and is found in meat products. If B6, B12 and folic acid are taken in the desired amounts, the harmful effects of homocysteine will no longer exist. Fish contains omega-3 fatty acids, which increase the amount of good cholesterol called HDL. Consuming offal would be the wrong choice. Visible fat from meat must be cleaned. Even if the visible fat is removed, the invisible fat content of the meat is 20%. For this reason, care should be taken not to add oil to meat dishes. Your cooking method will be as effective as your meat preference. Instead of frying or roasting, boiling, grilling, baking or steaming methods should be preferred.
OIL SEEDS: Omega-3, arginine amino acid, magnesium mineral and With its vitamin E content, it reduces LDL cholesterol and increases HDL cholesterol. But at this point, you should remember that too much of anything will harm your health. The amounts you need to consume should be regulated under the supervision of a dietician.
GARLIC: Contains potassium, vitamin A and vitamin C. blood clotting It also prevents blood vessels from clogging. It is a miraculous food against cardiovascular diseases while regulating blood pressure.
FIBER CONSUMPTION: When the necessary fiber intake is ensured, the absorption of bile acids is prevented and cholesterol synthesis in the liver is prevented. The required items are reduced. For this, fiber consumption should be increased. Dried legumes, grain foods, fruits and vegetables contain plenty of fiber. In this case, a decrease in hypertension, LDL and blood sugar is observed. In this case, it reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
VITAMINS-MINERALS, COENZYMEQ-10: Vitamins A-C-E are vitamins that protect our body from free radicals, which we call antioxidants. With this feature, vitamin C lowers LDL cholesterol and increases HDL cholesterol. This has a positive effect on our cardiovascular health. Vitamin E prevents the adhesion of platelets and ensures smoother, healthier veins and regular blood flow. Calcium, iron, manganese, copper, magnesium and many other minerals have benefits for your body. In order to benefit from all these adequately, you need to pay attention to your fruit and vegetable consumption. Calcium is a mineral that helps regulate blood pressure. And as your veins become stronger, it reduces your risk of disease. Magnesium is a mineral responsible for eliminating blood fats. Chromium enables cholesterol in the blood to enter the cells. CoenzymeQ-10 has positive effects on heart health. CoenzymeQ-10 is found especially in fish oil, sesame oil and spinach.
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