Why do we need psychological support? This question is among the issues sought by those who want to receive professional psychotherapy.
We know that today, many people receive psychotherapy support from many experts in their fields, such as psychologists, psychiatrists, pedagogues and family therapists. This support received in the past years was observed as a strange and fearful situation in the society. Today, this taboo has been broken, so to speak. We can now say that we are acting more consciously and this misperception has been overcome. This being the case, many people seek support in order to relieve their various problems and relieve themselves both mentally and physiologically. This is where expert psychologists come into play. So, why is a psychologist needed? Let's look at the answer to this question together.
Why is Psychological Support Important?
Receiving psychological support is very important in eliminating disorders seen in mental, emotional and behavioral abilities. In addition, there are some disorders that occur in people and become long-term. These disorders are resolved with psychological support. If we list these elements briefly;
⦁ Relieving Distressing Emotions and Thoughts
⦁ Preventing Anxiety and Fear
⦁ Awaying from Negative Behaviors
⦁ Gaining Self-Confidence
⦁ Ability to Express Yourself
⦁ Getting Away from Depression and Anger
⦁ Gaining New Skills
⦁ Showing Change and Development p>
⦁ Solving Problems
What is Psychotherapy? How Does It Work?
Psychotherapy; It is a concept consisting of the Greek words psyco, meaning "soul", and therapia, meaning "to treat", and includes various psychological treatment methods. It is also called the treatment of physical problems based on mental, cognitive and psychological factors together with scientific methods.
Why Do We Need a Psychotherapist?
What are Psychological Traumas?
Psi Psychological traumas include negative factors that the individual encounters in daily life, such as sudden terror, anxiety, anger, stress, sadness, joy and panic, to which the individual reacts excessively and disrupts the routine. It is possible to say that these traumas are frequently encountered in our daily lives, both in the individual and in his environment. Some emotional changes, including those we have mentioned, do not shake the individual very much. In addition, we can see that there are many psychological traumas that leave a big mark on the experiences.
How Does the Psychotherapy Process Work?
The psychotherapy process is carried out by a psychiatrist specialized in the field of psychiatric disease or psychology-based treatment. Treatment starts with trust and close communication between the consultant, patient, couple, family or individuals who apply to him/her for the solution of the problems.
The main source of the trust and communication bond here is the rapid and solid treatment of the targeted psychiatric disease or psychology-based problems. to be resolved in some way. The trust problem between the psychiatrist and the client can be eliminated in one session. In addition, due to the nature of the work, this period may take longer than expected.
During the psychotherapy process, the client's personal life story, past and current relationships are also taken into consideration. In addition, we can say that many factors such as self-discovery, personality development, and more regular behavior are emphasized during this process. This situation varies depending on the psychological disorders and traumas in the client.
Conclusion: As we stated above, the applied psychotherapy varies depending on the person's situation, complaint, personal characteristics and the condition of the disease. In addition, the techniques applied and the necessary criteria are offered individually. In other words, not every treatment method is valid for every patient.
As a result of the treatment methods and techniques applied in the psychotherapy process, the client's emotional and behavioral disorders are improved and the mental health is improved and protected. In addition, emotional and personality structure Significant gains are also achieved in terms of health.
When is Psychotherapy Needed?
There may be many reasons why psychotherapy may be needed. In other words, there are no generally valid criteria for benefiting from a psychiatrist. That's why many people have some difficulty when they decide to start therapy.
Most people can overcome this by understanding the mood they are experiencing. Or they can re-establish their inner balance by sharing this mood with their relatives. However, many people who have lost their self-confidence, are introverted, cannot express themselves and have confidence problems want to get help from a professional person who can understand them.
People who generally need psychotherapy say;
“I cannot recognize myself. ”, “Why am I like this?”, “Change disturbs my peace.”
“I can't help myself.”, “Am I a bad person?”, “I'm Very Anxious.”
“My surroundings There are problems.”, “I can't sleep well.”
“Is there a solution to this?”
Why Do We Need Psychological Support? We can see the types of the question. Individuals need psychotherapy in order to answer all these questions or meet their curiosity. In this regard, he tries to get support from a specialist psychiatrist or a psychologist.
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