What causes tooth sensitivity and what is its treatment?

Sensitivity; It is a problem that occurs in the form of sharp and short-lasting pain caused by teeth against hot and cold, some foods and even brushing teeth.

Under the outermost hard enamel layer of the tooth, called "dentin", which covers the nerves that stimulate pain. There is a porous layer. In cases where tooth enamel is eroded and dentin tissue is exposed, the nerves become vulnerable to hot, cold and other factors. As a result, the intake of various foods may cause a sudden feeling of pain in the teeth.

Tooth sensitivity; It may occur due to the erosion of tooth enamel for various reasons (such as excessive consumption of acidic foods, improper tooth brushing), fractures and cracks in the tooth enamel, and recession of the gums.

While performing oral care, use a medium-hard or soft toothbrush. Using the correct tooth brushing technique, staying away from abrasive toothpastes, choosing fluoride mouthwashes and regular use of desensitizing toothpastes can relieve tooth sensitivity. If your complaints persist, you should consult your dentist and start treatments that prevent sensitivity.

In the presence of advanced sensitivity, simple treatment approaches can be applied with desensitizing agents. However, if the sensitivity cannot be eliminated and severe wear is observed on the teeth, the sensitivity of the teeth can be eliminated with different restorations.

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