Peripheral vascular disease refers to diseases of all blood vessels (arteries) except the heart and brain. The most common cause is atherosclerosis, that is, hardening of the arteries. Generally, 5-15% of men over the age of 50 have vascular disease that does not cause any complaints. The most common complaint in leg vascular diseases is pain that occurs with walking, running, climbing stairs and relieves with rest. Over time, pain also occurs at rest. Afterwards, non-healing wounds and gangrene occur.
What is “Atherosclerosis Arteriosclerosis”?
Healthy arteries are flexible, strong and elastic. Over time, as the pressure to which the artery is exposed increases and fat accumulates, the artery walls thicken and lose their flexibility. Sometimes blood flow may even be disrupted and interrupted. This condition is now calledarteriosclerosis. Although atherosclerosis is generally known as a heart problem, it can cause a condition known as peripheral artery disease by affecting the vessels going to the arms and legs, heart attack when it involves the coronary arteries, strokes when it affects the brain vessels, and aneurysms when large vessel involvement. p>
Atherosclerosis Causes (risk factors) include smoking, diabetes mellitus, hypertension (high blood pressure), high cholesterol, male gender and family history. Smoking is the most important preventable reason for the development of vascular occlusion.
What kind of complaints do patients experience?
You cannot be aware of atherosclerosis until the vessels are completely narrowed. However, the sooner the necessary precautions are taken for protection and the sooner healthy living conditions are started, the better.
Complaints in chronic arterial insufficiency.
Intermittent Claudication: Muscle pain that starts with exercise (walking) and goes away with rest, walking pain that occurs repeatedly, relief at rest
Ischemic Rest Pain: In more advanced stages, watch on the tip of the foot, even at rest. extreme pain, non-healing wounds, ischemic ulcer gangrene
How is peripheral vascular disease diagnosed?
Weak or no pulse in the arms or legs,
Difference in blood pressure between the arms and legs,
There are changes in skin color and nails.
The aims of the treatment of peripheral vascular disease are as follows:
Leg pain that occurs with walking elimination,
Increasing exercise capacity by increasing the walking distance until claudication begins,
Open wounds on the feet, gangrene or foot or preventing serious vascular occlusion that may lead to amputation of the leg. Treatments for peripheral vascular disease include changing lifestyle and nutrition, regular exercise, drug therapy, angioplasty and surgical treatment methods.
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