“Diseases that affect our body's movement
system consisting of muscles, joints, bones and ligaments, and in some cases our internal organs, are called Rheumatic diseases
. As a result, swelling, pain, redness and dysfunction occur in the affected areas.
Rheumatism can mainly damage our joints and muscles. When you wake up in the morning
pain and stiffness are felt and decrease over time during the day.
Calcification, which is considered a rheumatic disease; It is associated with wear and obesity in the cartilage structure within the joint as a result of using the same joint frequently and performing difficult movements. Especially in people over the age of 50, pain occurs in one or two joints during the day due to load bearing. It most commonly affects the knees, hips and
For example, rheumatoid arthritis begins around the age of 35-40 and reaches its peak in the 60s. The disease we call Lupus
is observed especially during the reproductive period. The disease called ankylosing spondylitis is detected especially in young men. However, I would like to remind you that there are also childhood rheumatisms. In addition, the person's family history, profession, exposure to joint trauma
, weight, and smoking habit are also important factors in determining who will be more common.
In inflammatory rheumatic diseases; It is important to do activities that are not strenuous
in accordance with the body anatomy, to be aware that frequent repetition of the same movement will cause wear and tear, to maintain body form with exercise, to provide an ergonomic working environment and to lose excess weight
. Since the cause of inflammatory rheumatism is not fully known, prevention is not fully possible. However, it is very important to diagnose the disease at an early stage
. The earlier treatment is started, the more successful it is to prevent permanent joint damage. However, it may be difficult to diagnose inflammatory rheumatism in the early
period. Another problem is that symptoms may change
over time. A good medical history and physical
examination are indispensable in the diagnosis of these diseases. “Appropriate laboratory tests, radiological methods and, when necessary, examination of samples taken from joint fluid or various tissues are also important.”
he said. p>
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