Can Tea or Coffee Replace Water?

We tend to drink a lot of tea and coffee during the day. We know that caffeine intake contributes to concentration, but do we know that caffeine removes water used in the body? Or that not drinking water reduces attention and perception? Let's find out.

As he always says, water is essential for the continuation of our vital activities. 70% of our body consists of water. These are correct information. So why don't we drink water to replace the fluid loss that results from caffeine intake in our water-filled body? Since it is one of the questions I receive most, I would like to explain it as follows.

                Caffeine (tea, coffee, chocolate, etc.) increases the thermic effect in the body. As a result, we feel fuller and more energetic. But it also removes some water and calcium from the body. This is the reason why we go to the toilet a lot. In order to replace the existing minerals and water, we must drink twice as much water for every tea and coffee we drink.

                If you ask, how will I know if I am drinking the right amount of water? I recommend you look at your urine color. The urine of a person who has drunk enough water will be very light yellow or clear. Here's how you understand.

                Coming to our initial question, for these reasons, tea and coffee can never replace water, no matter how much water they are made with, because they contain caffeine. But if you say you can't drink water, I have to ask you this. How many liters of water and coffee do you drink during the day? Isn't it too much? J It's clear what we need to do. If we limit drinking tea and coffee to a maximum of 3 cups, we will have time to drink water.

                If you do not feel thirsty, this feeling is progressive. After forcing yourself to drink water for a while, you will gradually gain the feeling of thirst. Of course, you cannot start drinking 3 liters of water immediately, but you can increase it gradually.

                To summarize, tea and coffee cannot replace water. I use it with excessive tea and coffee consumption. Since we waste water, you should definitely drink more water. If you can cut down on caffeine a little and try to get used to drinking water, you may regain your sense of thirst. If you are determined to get your life on track and be healthy, but you feel like you cannot do it on your own, definitely get help from a dietician.

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