The most common cause of carotid artery stenosis or occlusion is atherosclerosis, blood pressure, sugar, smoking... When obesity (overweight), sedentary lifestyle, and high blood cholesterol level are added to this trio, the disease progresses rapidly. So, what to do? Prof. Dr. Süleyman Özkan gave information about carotid artery stenosis and occlusion.
Some complaints that last less than 24 hours and are not permanent are of great importance
In case there is not enough blood flow to the brain due to stenosis or obstruction in the carotid artery, Some symptoms begin to appear in the patient. These complaints, which last less than 24 hours and are not permanent, are very important. Dizziness, blackout, fainting... Although there is more than one cause, this may be the first symptom of the disease. In addition, loss of balance, difficulty in speaking or not being able to speak, numbness in the arm, leg or face, inability to understand what is being said, and loss of consciousness are also very obvious symptoms. Checking with Doppler ultrasonography is sufficient to prevent permanent bad consequences of this disease. In addition, CT angiography, MR angiography and catheter-based classical angiography (DSA) methods are also used.
What are the measures that slow down the disease rate?
Changing the lifestyle, Exercise and healthy nutrition, controlling blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol levels, not smoking and using anticoagulant medications are useful measures. In patients with 70 percent or more stenosis in the carotid artery, an interventional intervention is required in addition to drug treatment. In addition, these percentages may change in cases of additional diseases and surgery. Stent treatment, which is not suitable for surgery and is performed through angiography, is used to open short and smooth stenoses. Open surgery method is recommended for long and irregular narrowings.
What is Carotid Endarterectomy Surgery?
Consciousness is monitored during the surgery, which lasts 45 minutes with local anesthesia. It is safe because what happens during the surgery is monitored moment by moment. It can also be done with general anesthesia. It can be done especially if it will be accompanied by coronary bypass surgery. There is a risk of paralysis in surgeries. For this reason, what is done while awake gives better results. Change of consciousness during surgery In patients, a vein, which we call 'Shunt', which provides temporary blood flow, is immediately placed into the vein and the surgery is completed in the same environment.
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