Happiness is Extinct, Do We Enjoy Unhappiness?

If we feel pleasure from happiness, we may have brought unhappiness to a point where we feel pleasure. People may develop unhealthy feelings, thoughts and behaviors, often without realizing it, in order to reach their spiritual needs.

We may have brought unhappiness to a point where we feel pleasure

We observe from our environment that many people have very high negativity perceptions. They look at every moment and every event from the unhappy side. When we look at these individuals, they consume their happiness-specific experiences and objects much faster.

Perhaps it is possible to explain the reason for this by being a hedonist individual. If we feel pleasure from happiness, we may have brought unhappiness to a point where we feel pleasure. People have certain spiritual needs in their inner world, and in order to reach these spiritual needs, they may develop unhealthy thoughts, feelings and behaviors, often without realizing it. In this context, we can say that unhappy people are also likely to be in this cycle.


Change starts from thought


When we consider the issue in terms of concrete needs, factors such as the conditions of our country, career choices, traffic, and future concerns make us react unhappy in every field. In order to cope with these factors, more opportunities should be given to the quality of social life.


Individuals who are constantly unhappy and cannot change this tend to completely exclude the problem in their life. They become more unhappy by waiting for external factors to change. However, the spiritual functioning of a person is in the form of a sequence of thoughts, feelings and behaviors. If the individual first becomes aware of his own self and makes sense of his realistic needs for this, change begins and the negative effects of external factors decrease.


A person who is constantly unhappy at work experiences a vicious circle




I would like to explain this with an example so that this sentence of mine is not misunderstood. An individual who is constantly unhappy at work and thinks that this situation is caused entirely by external factors gets into a dead end and makes intense references to the workplace. These intense attributions make him perceptually more unhappy and many things He experiences a vicious circle by not being able to tolerate it. However, the stressor is real and sometimes we experience unhappiness at work.


Emotional attributions evoke stress


This cycle makes change difficult and causes the person to feel depressed. Even though we have evaluated this in terms of the person's personality, it is one of the situations we do not want that workplaces in our country are far from strategies for motivating the individual and solving problems.


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