Could Intestinal Bacterial Transplantation Be a New Treatment Method for MS Disease?

MS is a disease seen especially in young adults, in which the immune system damages the body's own building blocks. Of the current theories about how MS disease occurs, the most prominent one is undoubtedly that intestinal bacteria may play a role in the formation of the disease. Assoc. Dr. Emin Özcan explained.

What is the role of intestinal bacteria in the development of MS?

Recent studies have shown that intestinal bacteria may play a role in the emergence of MS and other immune system diseases. . There are many bacteria in the intestine and they survive in balance among themselves. In studies, the bacteria in the intestinal environment of MS patients were examined and it was observed that some bacteria were especially abundant compared to healthy controls.

How do these bacteria act?

In MS patients, It has been shown that the number of bacteria that activate the immune system, which stimulates the immune system and triggers the disease, increases, and the number of bacteria that suppress the immune system decreases. Therefore, the balance of the immune system, which has a certain balance, is disrupted and becomes more aggressive, paving the way for the emergence of the disease.

What is intestinal bacterial transplantation?

Aka fecal bacteria. Microbial transplantation (FMT) is the process of transplanting bacterial samples collected from the large intestine of healthy individuals to the large intestine of sick individuals with the help of colonoscopy. Theoretically, the bacteria of healthy individuals left in the patient's large intestine reproduce in the environment and the effects of harmful bacteria decrease and positive results are obtained due to the effects of beneficial bacteria.

Intestinal bacterial transplantation is beneficial in MS disease. Is it?

Experimental studies have shown the benefits of this process. Beneficial effects were observed especially in MS mouse models. has been destroyed. There are cases in the literature showing that this procedure was applied and the disease remained stable for many years without progressing. However, there are no controlled studies involving a large number of patients yet. However, since experimental studies and published case examples show positive effects, this method is promising as an alternative or a treatment that can be used together with other medical treatments.

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