What Does Infertility Mean? What Is It Affected?

Despite regular unprotected sexual intercourse, a couple cannot conceive after 1 year. Approximately 15% of couples worldwide have to resort to assisted reproductive techniques due to infertility.

The point that should not be forgotten is that for a completely normal couple with no health problems, even if they have sexual intercourse every day during the woman's single menstrual period, , the probability of getting pregnant is only 25%. The chance of getting pregnant, which is 25% in a single intercourse, increases to 85% at the end of one year.

Very frequent or infrequent menstruation, a history of three or more miscarriages, previous pelvic infection, small testicles in men and If a woman is older, it is necessary to consult a doctor without waiting a year.

A woman's reproductive potential is at its peak between the ages of 20-30; The potential decreases after the age of 30 and shows a sharp and rapid decline after the age of 35. Women who are overweight or overweight may also have difficulty conceiving. Additionally, smoking and alcohol use reduce sperm count in men and impair egg quality in women.

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