Masturbation in Women

Masturbation is one of the healthy ways to satisfy the sexual urge, which emerges as one of the natural urges in human life. Frequently voicing myths in the field of sexuality, in other words false information that is known to be true, leads to masturbation, also called autoeroticism or self-satisfaction, being evaluated in a way that is incompatible with scientific facts.

Sexuality education is included in the declaration of sexual rights published by the World Association for Sexual Health. The right to sexual pleasure, the right to sexual health care, the right to sexual information based on scientific research, the right to sexual equality, the right to sexual privacy and the right to sexual freedom are also emphasized. In terms of the right to sexual pleasure, masturbation is seen as a person's choice and area of ​​freedom.

Masturbation is defined as the individual's self-satisfaction. Individuals use various methods when masturbating. Masturbation, which is done through practices such as manual stimulation of the clitoris, different friction methods, the use of sexual toys or the use of pressurized water, is carried out by directly or indirectly stimulating the clitoris. In the presence of sufficient clitoris stimulation and appropriate conditions, all women can reach orgasm through masturbation.

While sexual identity is determined at the age of 3-4, adolescence has an important place in the development of sexual identity. The emotional and physical changes that occur with this period, together with hormones, reveal sexual stimulation and sexual attraction. As a result of sexual urge and sexual arousal, which arises as one of the natural instincts, satisfaction is achieved by masturbating, often accompanied by sexual fantasies. Sexual fantasies are one of the indispensable elements of a happy, enjoyable, entertaining and satisfying sexual life. For a healthy life, sexual fantasies add color to lifelong sexuality by increasing sexual stimulation through the use of the imagination.

One of the common sexual myths is that masturbation is specific to men. Masturbation is a healthy and natural behavior for both men and women. One of the sexual myths about masturbation is that the entire hymen is removed by masturbation or friction. His uniform will be ruined. In fact, the integrity of the hymen is not affected by friction or masturbation.

If the individual does not have a sexual partner, if there is a medical obstacle to the presence of the partner, if the partner is unwilling or away, satisfaction can be achieved through masturbation. However, for a healthy sexual life, masturbation should not replace intercourse with a sexual partner, it should be in mandatory situations and should be told to the partner. If the partner is available or if it is done without telling the partner, it can cause porn and masturbation addiction and damage the relationship. Porn and masturbation addiction is common in men. Such an addiction is not a common situation in women.

Masturbation has many benefits in terms of physical and mental health. When masturbation is realized in the appropriate place, at the appropriate time and in the appropriate mood, with the awareness that it is a healthy behavior, its benefits become evident. It increases sexual awareness during adolescence, enables people to know their body better, makes them realize what an orgasm is like, helps them sleep, reduces anxiety and stress, and makes the individual feel at peace with their own body and nakedness. In addition, it reduces menstrual pain by increasing endorphin secretion, increases self-confidence, and makes you feel good by giving beautiful emotions.

Masturbation has a very important place in the process of becoming a woman for a woman whose sexuality is suppressed, ignored, blocked or devalued. The masculine perspective first alienates women from their own body, prohibits their sexuality, and then demands that they show their femininity in bed. It is important for both individual and public health to be aware that sexual rights and freedoms, including masturbation, are the rights of all individuals, regardless of gender, as emphasized in the declaration of sexual rights.

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