The enlargement of the veins in the anal area is a condition that causes problems and requires treatment. The reasons that create these must be eliminated as soon as possible. If treatment is delayed, the degree of hemorrhoids increases and the treatment becomes difficult accordingly.
The issue that suffers the patient the most in hemorrhoids is bleeding. These sometimes continue for so long that the patient may develop anemia. Due to this, weakness, fatigue, paleness, fatigue and heart palpitations may occur. It has been observed that such patients sometimes even consult cardiologists with these complaints.
Apart from bleeding, palpable problems, especially in external hemorrhoids, demoralize patients during defecation. Some do not want these for aesthetic reasons, some do not want them because of the pain, itching and wetness they cause. The aim of the treatment is to treat these hemorrhoids as soon as possible before they become grade 4.
The main cause of hemorrhoid formation is chronic constipation. People who are constipated spend a long time on the toilet and strain a lot. This straining causes anal pressure to increase and blood to pool in these veins. Apart from this, long-lasting diarrhea attacks, pregnancy, sitting working, eating too much spicy food (especially bitter), tumors formed in the pelvis or large intestine, liver diseases cause hemorrhoid formation.
Hemorrhoid treatment
Hemorrhoid treatment
Diagnosis before diagnosis is very important. The stage of hemorrhoids should be determined before treatment. The aim of treatment is primarily to eliminate the existing spasm. For this purpose, constipation must first be corrected. Diet adjustments are made for patients. Patients are fed with a fiber-reducing diet. The emphasis is on vegetable dishes. They are asked to eat plenty of salad and fruit at meals. They are asked to choose whole wheat bread. They should stay away from spicy and bitter foods. They should not eat fast food type foods. The amount of water taken daily should be increased in order for the intestines to function and the faeces to be soft. Tea, soft drinks and coffee can never replace water. Therefore, patients should drink at least 3 liters of water a day. Sedentary life slows down bowel movements. It is recommended to walk 1-2 kilometers a day, especially for sedentary workers, pregnant women and those over middle age.H Pregnant women are recommended to take 10-minute warm water baths twice a day. Warm water causes the anal sphincter to relax, improving blood circulation there. After the sitz bath, patients should try to put the breasts into the anus.
1. and in bleeding cases of 2nd degree internal hemorrhoids, laser treatment or rubber band ligation is applied. Since the procedure is performed in a painless area, there is no pain. The patient can return to work the next day.
3. Degree hemorrhoids are hemorrhoids that come out from time to time. In these, the operation of connecting the arteries, called the THD method, is performed. The artery, located with the help of a tool, is connected with an absorbable suture. Surgical treatment is usually used for 4th degree hemorrhoids
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