How Can We Strengthen Our Immunity with Healthy Nutrition?

During the Covid-19 epidemic, when we are all going through difficult times, we are struggling hard to protect ourselves from the virus and protect our health. While we try to continue our lives such as social life, work and school, we try to take all precautions to protect ourselves, our family and our loved ones from the virus.

A healthy eating method that keeps our immunity strong and makes us feel fit is among the other important elements that support us in this process. Let's take a closer look at these.

Our immune system is a defense against uninvited visitors entering our body. It is our most basic line of defence. Our white blood cells, which fight antigens such as bacteria, viruses and fungi, try to destroy them.

So, what can we do to ensure and maintain a healthy immune system?

To strengthen our immunity, the person's age, It is important for people to take the right amounts of fibre, vitamins, minerals, complex carbohydrates, proteins, healthy fats and antioxidants, determined according to gender, height and weight ratios.

A few foods containing these ingredients can help support our immunity;

  • Fermented yoghurt and kefir with probiotic content

  • Fiber Whole grains and legumes with high content

  • Healthy fats, especially walnuts, olive oil, hazelnuts, avocado and salmon

  • Dark chocolate, not to exceed 10-20 grams in portion control

  • Green tea for those without hypothyroidism

  • Red beet, purple cabbage, Colorful fruits and vegetables such as artichokes, leeks, blueberries and strawberries, which are rich in antioxidants and high in vitamins and minerals

  • Foods we should avoid are;

  • Foods that are generally processed or trans fats in fried foods

  • Processed meats

  • Pastries, cakes and pastries made with refined sugar and refined flour cookies

  • Fast food and packaged junk foods

  • Exercising is another important factor in supporting our immunity. A training target of 30 minutes 3-5 days a week will provide you with a successful path.

    Since insufficient sleep prevents the formation of protective substances such as antibodies and cytokines, lack of sleep can negatively affect the immune system. Adults need a sleep period of 7-9 hours, which varies from person to person.

    Eating well, exercising and getting enough sleep are among the ways that can help us keep our immune system strong.

    It should not be forgotten that, There is no miracle food, every food is a miracle.


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