What Does Vaginismus Feel Like in Men and Women?


Sadness; The honeymoon ends in great disappointment. Every attempt ends in failure.

Thinking that it will be overcome in time, the same situation is encountered every time. Will one day have a normal relationship like other women? Will I be able to have children? The question constantly occupies your mind.

Loneliness, Shame; He cannot share or explain it to anyone. He hides it even from the people closest to him.

He becomes very withdrawn.

Guilt; The thought that everything is my fault and that I am ruining my wife's life constantly preoccupies her head.

Fear and Pressure; Will I be able to do it? What will happen to our marriage if I can't?

Failure; I can't even do such a natural thing that everyone else does. I can't do anything properly

Depression; He becomes very lonely and withdrawn. He attributes the negativities in his life and the problems with his wife to this.


Anger, Questioning; He questions his future sexual life and marriage, saying that he did his best.

He gets angry when his wife avoids treatment or does not want to try a relationship.

Empathy and Despair; Making his wife feel pain upsets him. He doesn't know how to help his wife

. He cannot share the situation with anyone around him in case his wife will be upset.

Rejection; It's about encountering the same thing every time. He thinks that his wife is increasingly moving away from him


Moving away; He moves away from his wife, thinking that his life is getting worse and that he cannot fix it.

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