White Spots on Our Body

Many spots can be seen on a person's skin. Most of these are innocent and harmless. Moles, skin diseases and some congenital birthmarks (mongolian spot, vampire bite, hemangiomas, milia, etc.) can be seen on the skin. Some congenital spots can be a sign of a disease.

In Pediatric Neurology practice, there are many diseases that show skin findings. These are called neurocutaneous diseases. Of these, white and milky brown stains are the most common. They definitely indicate a brain disease. What does the skin have to do with the brain!!! So, the spot on the skin is a brain disease!!!! Yes. Absolutely right. Skin disease and brain disease are very closely related. Because 2-3 weeks after the fertilized egg falls into the mother's womb, the human body looks like a 3-layer sandwich. One of these three layers is called ectoderm. The nervous system, that is, the brain, cerebellum, nerve cells, nails, teeth, hair and skin, develops from the ectoderm.

So, in a person with a cerebral disease, in addition to skin findings, there may also be changes in nails, teeth and hair. Isn't it very interesting?

White spots are a symptom of a disease called Tuberous Sclerosis. It's not tuberculosis. Patients always get confused due to the similarity of names. This disease is a genetically inherited disease (it is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner). It is seen in 1/6000-1/10000 live births. Sometimes there may not be such a disease in the family (approximately 2/3 of the patients occur by spontaneous mutation). In the TSC1 (9q34)and TSC2 (16p13.3) genes. As a result of mutations, the function of the hamartin and tuberin complex is impaired and clinical findings appear as the inhibitory effect of rapamycin on the mammalian target (mTOR)signal pathway is impaired.

In tuberous sclerosis, anywhere in the body, from very small to very large sizes, clinical findings appear. There are hypopigmented skin findings varying in size. This finding is present in 80-90% of patients. Most families may not notice these spots. Sometimes behind the leg Sometimes the body skin may be very pale. They become more prominent and visible in the summer months when the sun darkens the skin. Tuberous sclerosis is a neurological disease that can affect almost every organ. By affecting the heart, it can cause pieces of flesh in the heart (rhabdomyoma), flesh in the nails (subungual fibroma), enamel defects in the teeth, and tumors in the brain.

These stains are milky brown in color. Having more than six in a child's body is important for the disease. These spots may have irregular surroundings and varying sizes. In some patients, freckles may appear in the groin and armpits. It is usually a symptom of the disease called Neurofibromatosis. This disease is a disease that affects both the skin, the brain and the nervous system. This disease may be genetically inherited from the father, or it may be first detected in your child. It can affect every organ, like tuberous sclerosis.

Yes, they can. But it is not a rule. They can cause all types of epilepsy. Tuberous sclerosis, in particular, causes epilepsy, which we call West Syndrome. Most patients experience seizures. During the doctor's examination, it is revealed that he has tuberous sclerosis. West Syndrome is the epilepsy of infancy. It is characterized by lunging forward, rarely backward, or both. These expulsions are called infantile spasms. Infantile spasm, as its name suggests, is a spasm-like condition. It may be mistaken for gas pain by those who do not know it. The characteristic of infantile spasm is that it occurs in the form of crying after expulsion. Sometimes, there may be symptoms such as redness and sweating on the baby's face. When this type of seizure first begins, it may occur tens or hundreds of times a day. This type of seizure is very dangerous. Because it eats away at the child's intelligence. When the patient is connected to the

EEG device, brain waves are confused. There is electrical chaos in the brain. Once seizures begin in babies, perception begins to deteriorate. It's like they don't hear or hear. Laughing baby doesn't laugh It is possible. He may be restless and cry constantly.

As a result, white and brown spots on the body may be a sign of a neurological disease. For this reason, it is essential for a child neurologist to see, examine and follow up.


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