Although normal birth is a natural birth method that every woman can do, there are many negative factors that turn women away from this method
. Episiotomy, that is, the incision made in the perineum during birth, negatively affects many women's decision to give birth normally. The concern that her sexual life will be affected by the incision and the negative stories she hears from her close circle cause women to have serious anxiety and ultimately to decide on a caesarean section.
This perineal incision, which has been developed and implemented in the last 100 years. You have all heard
that women who have given birth complain that they cannot sit on their butts for 3 or 4 weeks after giving birth. Episiotomy, which was developed to shorten the time it takes for the baby's head to come out of the perineum during normal birth, to reduce the tears that may occur here, and to repair the tear that may occur in a controlled manner, is now taking its place in history. Episiotomy is performed in births where the birth is rapid,
the baby is large, or when vacuum needs to be used during birth.
The time the baby spends here during emergence will not harm the baby, and it will also prevent the stretching of this area, thus preventing the formation of complications during birth. It ensures less tearing. Since the tears that occur spontaneously during normal birth will be in the weakest part of this area, healing will be faster and easier. I have never performed an episiotomy in the last 8 years of my gynecology practice. I noticed that
there are no deep tears or tears that extend to the anus in the births I have had.
As a member of the American Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology, I follow the practices in America closely.
American Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology. It no longer recommends episiotomy to every woman.
Be sure to talk to your doctor before birth about the practices you do not want to be performed during birth. Find out your doctor's preference as to whether he/she performs this procedure that you do not want for every woman. If you do not want it to be done to you, talk to your doctor about whether he/she can support you in this regard.
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