The amount of bone directly affects the success of the implant; the height and width of the bone in the area where the implant will be placed is of great importance. In cases where the bone is insufficient, it may be necessary to increase the bone thickness or height with advanced surgical techniques. These procedures can be performed before or during the implant surgery. Different types of graft materials may be preferred depending on the size of the bone defect in the area where the implant will be placed. It should not be forgotten that each case should be evaluated on its own.
Advanced surgical procedures are decided after intraoral and x-ray examinations are performed. To increase the amount of bone in the area where the implant will be placed, bone particles of human or animal origin, commonly referred to as graft materials, are frequently used. Correct and appropriate use of graft materials increases the long-term success of the implant.Just like the implant material, it is very important that the graft materials are reliable products produced in accordance with certain standards. Sometimes, block bone grafts in the form of pieces taken from the jaw or another part of the body can be used to increase the amount of bone in the area where the implant will be placed. Which of these procedures will be applied or whether they will be used in combination is a decision to be made by the physician. Mostly, if there is a problem with the thickness of the bone, bone powder may be sufficient. If there is insufficiency regarding the height of the bone, the patient's own bone can be taken and transferred to the required area.
The exact procedure to be applied is a decision to be made by the physician after a detailed examination. The use of bone grafts can sometimes extend the treatment period slightly. If one of the bone augmentation methods was used before the implant operation, it may be necessary to wait for a period of 4-6 months for the bone to mature.
Recently, in cases where the bone is insufficient, thin implants or short implants can be used to save extra costs. We can make fixed porcelain teeth for our patients without the need for extra healing periods and the surface properties and macro design of the implants. New developments in medical technology enable us to successfully treat many cases that we used to think could not be implanted. Of course, in such cases, the number of implants must be increased to reduce the loads on the implants. One of the important factors affecting the long-term success of implants is the design of the porcelain to be placed on the implants. Especially in cases where short or thin implants are used, the teeth to be placed on the implant must be planned and placed correctly, otherwise the loads on the implants may cause excessive stress in the bone and lead to osteoporosis. As long as the conditions remain the same, bone loss may progress at an increasing rate, destruction of osseointegration and loss of implants may occur. In order to preserve the bone-implant relationship for a long time without causing biological destruction; Optimal distribution of the stresses resulting from the forces acting on the prosthetic superstructures to the bone tissue must be ensured.
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