Just like every other person, you may enter a more difficult period than you expected and have troubled days, even after a certain event in the flow of life or even if there is no externally observed reason. This can happen to anyone. One day, an event becomes the last straw. You start to question life and everything. Moreover, you feel resentful and even angry at life and people. Whether you are depressed or not, you cannot help yourself from making this questioning at certain turning points in life. If you have also experienced significantly unhappy events, the ropes may break.
    If you have a healthy psychological infrastructure, you will get through these periods more easily. If there are problems with your personality that you are not aware of, they start to come to light and erupt in these situations. You say you couldn't handle this much load. It's true, every person has a limit and endurance capacity. If there is an underlying personality disorder, this may be an important reason why you are stuck in such distressing periods, and disintegration may occur here.
         At these times, it may seem that all we need is for a good friend to sincerely listen to us, understand and support us. If possible. Everyone should have such reliable, close friends. However, our problems can sometimes be so serious and difficult that simply pouring out our feelings is not enough. More importantly, the events that deeply and negatively affected you pass, but your changing feelings and thoughts still have not improved. You may not be aware of what your real problem is. Confusion, feeling bad, agitation, and tantrums may be the visible sight. If this is approximately your situation, it is the right time for you to seek expert help.
When you apply for psychotherapy support, you will be listened to by the therapist in a safe environment, without being judged for your feelings and thoughts. Psychotherapy sessions provide the first steps to understand and define your problems and yourself, and to improve yourself, under an objective perspective.
In the psychotherapy sessions to be organized for you, your therapist will first understand and define you and your problem. It will wake up. In reality, the problem is sometimes a different situation than what appears to be the case; It is not a trivial topic that you bring to the session and repeat constantly. Your main problem and your individual therapy theme. Other people and events that upset and hurt you are not as important as you think most of the time and you are important. First of all, you will be surprised when you realize this. Your anger and Your tears are actually a reflection of your own inner world, that is, your unconscious negative emotional accumulation.
Your unconscious, which you are probably not aware of, determines the way you perceive these problems you are experiencing, as well as the way they take place in your world and the connection you have with all the other people you are in a relationship with. It is the most basic factor that determines your shape and you most likely do not know this yet.
You know that you do not deserve all these events, unpleasant feelings and hurtful thoughts, that's all. Why are you so unhappy, how were you abandoned and all the things you value? It is obvious that you need someone to tell you what you have lost.
You want someone to tell you how you can change yourself, all these negativities that paralyze your life. Who can tell you this? Be sure that the answer to this question is that, as the therapy process progresses, as your conscious and unconscious mind becomes ready over time and you start to gently confront it, the stuck negative emotions will be released and you will see that all the answers you are looking for are hidden within yourself.
Personality conflicts and personality disorders have already existed from the beginning, but in these difficult periods of their lives, when they start having problems in relationships, their personality problems intensify and cause the problems to become even more difficult.
The person will not realize that there is a problem in his personality structure, he is angry and unhappy, his sleep is disturbed. He/she may become depressed, feel bad, and these are the days when his/her relationships with people are not going well. The person feels lonely and misunderstood. He/she may be angry and accusatory at everyone, feel unloved and unappreciated.
He has experienced events full of negativities that he is right about, but his perceptions may be exaggerated and he may generalize...
These are difficult days, and the person's endurance capacities, called "Ego Capacities", are being strained and are not enough.
Financial problems, difficulties in coming of age, lovelessness, loneliness, abandonment, divorces, job losses, loss of spouse, unexpected losses and deaths of spouses, lovers, close relatives or friends are the last straw.
Suddenly, an event occurs. Then the person can hardly stand anything. He may start arguing with people and having problems at work. Resentments and negative experiences may begin to add to the picture with the most valuable assets of your life, such as your mother, father, spouse, children, and your closest friends. The words "I'm fed up with everyone and everything, I should even go away", I can't tolerate anyone anymore, are not unfamiliar to these situations..

They may experience relationship problems with their partner in the area of ​​private relations before marriage. They feel overwhelmed and cornered by the problems they perceive as inextricable. There may be periodic difficulties in adolescence, school failure, and adjustment problems with family or friends. People may bring different problems to therapy, ranging from struggles to get a job or a career, first experiences in choosing a partner, the need for personal harmony, unmet expectations of love and value, and expectations of sexual acceptance.
In case of distress, one should not hesitate to seek professional help. This is never a general expression of inadequacy or failure for the person. On the contrary, being able to ask for help means having a good insight and a mind that can evaluate and perceive correctly one's own life and future. ,requires opinion.. How can you help me? This sentence will perhaps be a tremendously powerful decision and a new beginning, opening the door to the biggest changes in your life. The aim is to get away from negative emotions, thoughts and experiences, and to overcome the situation. The next step is to work on deep-rooted problems such as personality disorders in depth. Psychotherapy sessions are planned with cognitive, behavioral or dynamic psychotherapy methods, depending on the nature of the clients' problems and needs.

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