Knee Pain Assessment Test
Knee Calcification; It can be diagnosed by various examinations, including physical examination by your doctor, imaging methods such as X-ray or MRI, and laboratory tests for additional evaluations, and the necessary treatment plan is applied. If you cannot go to the doctor, there is a method you can apply yourself to evaluate your knee pain. This method, in which you answer a series of questions about the severity of your knee pain and how it affects your daily life, is known as the "Knee Pain Assessment Test" or the "Oxford Knee Score."
What is the Knee Pain Assessment Test (Oxford)?
Knee Pain Assessment Test (Oxford); It is a self-administered test to evaluate the severity of knee pain and the functional status of the knee. It helps to determine knee replacement surgery or non-surgical treatment options, especially in the treatment of knee pain in people with knee osteoarthritis.
In the Test for Evaluating Your Knee Pain (Oxford Knee Test); There are 12 questions in total, 5 questions to determine the severity of knee pain and 7 questions to determine the physical function of the knee. You are asked to answer questions based on the difficulties you experience in your daily living activities due to knee osteoarthritis and how you are affected by the pain. For example; Questions such as “Do you experience knee pain at night?”, “How much does knee pain prevent you?” are answered by choosing varying degrees of difficulty. When answering the questions, you are asked to take the last 4 weeks of your life as a basis. If knee pain is present in both knees, a test is performed for both knees.
What is the Knee Pain Assessment Test (Oxford) Used For?
This test, which was first applied in 1998 to evaluate individual knee pain and function of patients after knee replacement surgery, was developed over time.
Knee Pain Assessment Test (Oxford); It is used to determine the severity of knee osteoarthritis, joint function and appropriate knee pain treatment. At the same time, the test results support the rehabilitation process after knee prosthesis surgery. It also helps with evaluation. The score you get from the Knee Pain Assessment Test after knee replacement surgery shows your recovery speed and how much you benefit from the knee replacement compared to the pre-operative period.
What Does the Result of the Knee Pain Assessment Test Mean?
A score between 0 and 4 for each question in the Knee Pain Assessment Test has value. At the end of the test, which consists of 12 questions in total, a score between 0-48 is calculated based on your answer to each question. Considering the degree of your knee pain and knee osteoarthritis, 0 points represents the worst and 48 points the best. Accordingly, the results of the Knee Pain Assessment Test are evaluated as follows;
A score between 40 and 48 indicates normal joint function and no knee pain treatment is needed.
A score of 30-39 indicates mild to moderate knee osteoarthritis. In this case, non-surgical treatment methods such as medication, exercise, and weight loss can be tried under the supervision of a doctor to take precautions against knee pain and protect knee health. indicates calcification. It is recommended to consult an orthopedic doctor for a detailed evaluation and planning of appropriate knee pain treatment. It is important to consult a doctor as soon as possible so that joint damage and complaints do not worsen.
Planning Knee Pain Evaluation Test (Oxford) and Knee Pain Treatment
Knee calcification has different stages and treatment methods, depending on the damage to the knee joint. The most important factor when deciding on knee pain treatment is the extent of joint damage and your complaints. For example; Grade 1 knee osteoarthritis usually does not cause any pain or discomfort. Therefore, it does not require any treatment or supplements may be recommended to protect joint health with an exercise program. In mild and moderate knee osteoarthritis, complaints such as knee pain and difficulty in movement increase. At this stage, pain medications, exercise, weight loss Treatment methods such as physiotherapy and knee injection applications are evaluated. In severe knee calcification, great knee pain and discomfort is felt, stiffness and limitation of movement in the knee make it difficult to perform daily activities. Knee replacement surgery is the most reliable method that provides a long-term solution for most patients with severe knee osteoarthritis. The Test for Evaluating Your Knee Pain (Oxford) helps to evaluate the severity of your knee pain and the treatment plan to be applied accordingly. For example; Getting a score between 0-19 as a result of the test may indicate that you need severe knee arthritis and knee replacement surgery.
If you have tried non-surgical methods such as physical therapy, medication, injections for knee pain before, how much benefit you have from these treatments. You can also get an idea by applying the Knee Pain Assessment Test. If your score after treatment is higher than before treatment, you may think that you have a positive result. However, a lower score as a result of the test over time may indicate worsening of your knee pain and joint functions.
If you have knee arthritis and suffer from knee pain, you can take the first step by doing the Knee Pain Assessment Test (Oxford). With the Knee Pain Assessment Test (Oxford), you can evaluate joint function, the severity of knee osteoarthritis, and your knee pain treatment options. Remember that the main factor in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis is the severity of the osteoarthritis and your complaints of knee pain, and you should decide together with your doctor the most appropriate treatment for you.
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