By knowing what will happen during and after normal birth, women's fear of normal birth will decrease. For this reason, women who had their first birth normally

say that they were not afraid before their second birth and that they felt better

than the first.

We have prepared to help women get ready for birth

You can find general information about the events that women will encounter during birth below


What happens during normal birth?

During birth, your midwife or doctor will watch your baby. It will help you

while giving birth. If the baby is born vaginally, it is called normal

birth. If the baby is removed by making an incision in the mother's abdomen and the uterus for birth, it is called cesarean delivery.

During normal birth, you will need to push to get your baby out.

Struggling. Some changes need to occur in your body before your period.

Your cervix should have thinned and then opened. Eventually, the cervix

should be fully dilated so that the baby's head can pass through. In addition, during this process, your baby has moved down from the uterus and reached the upper part of the vagina. In fact, during this period, you may feel like you are going to have to defecate, or

There will be a feeling of pressure on your anus.

Your doctor or midwife who assists with the birth will tell you when you need to strain

. I recommend that you strain in whatever posture you are comfortable with. For example

You can strain while lying on your side, standing or squatting. The time during which straining

occurs may last from minutes to hours. If it is your first birth, this

process may take a little longer.

Birth is painful. Is it a painful process?

Yes, birth is generally a painful process. The amount of pain may vary from woman to woman

. The woman should choose her own practices for pain control


Some women prefer natural birth. In other words, they do not use any medication to reduce pain during birth. Instead, they cope with pain through natural methods such as movement or breathing techniques.

Some women want to use painkillers during birth. For this purpose

intravenous or hip painkillers or epidural application

they may prefer.

What happens after the baby is born?

After giving birth to your baby. Then the placenta, known as your baby's partner, is expected to come out.

The placenta usually comes out within 30 minutes. Then, you will be examined to see if there are any tears in the vagina and vulva

area. If there is a tear, stitches are placed after anesthesia. The stitches placed here will dissolve spontaneously within 10 days. I should point out that incision, that is, episiotomy, is no longer performed unless necessary.

What is done to your baby after birth?

Although it is not very common in Turkey, skin-to-skin contact is made during the births I have had. I attach great

importance to it. In this practice, the baby is placed on the mother's chest before the baby's umbilical cord is cut. After waiting 3 minutes, the umbilical cord

is cut. If there is no problem with the baby, the mother can keep her baby for a while longer. Then

The baby's body weight and movement, breathing, heartbeat, and skin color are evaluated.

This evaluation is called APGAR evaluation.

You should breastfeed your baby immediately to prevent both your bleeding and bleeding. It also reduces your baby

feels safe and increases body temperature. It does not fall. When your baby is born, vitamin K injections and hepatitis B vaccination are given. Vitamin K is administered to prevent the baby from experiencing problems such as brain bleeding or intestinal bleeding.

Before leaving the hospital, an evaluation is made regarding your baby's nutrition and breastfeeding

. The pediatrician also examines. Additionally, your baby will be given an appointment for a hearing test. Taking heel blood from the baby at least 3 days later will give the most accurate results. For this reason, you can have heel blood taken at the health center


In what situations should you see your doctor after birth?

 If there is excessive vaginal bleeding

 Feeling dizzy or faint

 Fever

 Vomiting

 New-onset abdominal pain

 Severe headache or vision problem

Feeling sad or hopeless

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