Technological devices such as televisions, phones, and tablets, which have become widespread in recent years, have a positive impact on children's development when used effectively and efficiently.
However, such devices, especially in the pre-school period, have a positive impact on children's development. 0-5 years old) prolonged use negatively affects the child's cognitive and language-speech development.
Since such technological devices are designed to be used by everyone, children's use of these devices is not an indicator of intelligence. On the contrary, the sounds produced unilaterally by these devices will turn into background noise in children after a certain period of time, which will fill the children's empty consciousness.
Because children use only the receptive language in devices that prevent communication, such as television, their expressive language does not develop. This causes delayed language and speech. Since their empty consciousness is filled with a lot of unnecessary information, other problems such as making eye contact, paying attention, perceiving what is said, and difficulty in communicating arise.
Such devices also occur in children It increases symptoms of autism, especially auditory processing disorder (CAPD). This disorder affects integration, auditory encoding, and prosody of speech in children. In order for children to complete their normal development, they should be kept away from technology as much as possible in the first years of life, and they should be taught how to use technology usefully, effectively and efficiently during this period.
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