He has had hernia surgery before; However, it is very important that patients who are recommended for re-surgery due to suspicion of "recurrence", "recurrence" or "residue"
should be evaluated in detail before performing the second surgery. For example, if the patient is suspected of having a recurrent herniated disc, a medicated MRI (magnetic resonance) examination performed with contrast material is very valuable. A decision should be made after investigating the patient in detail to see if anything has been overlooked. When choosing a surgeon
who will perform the second surgery, it is essential to find someone who is experienced in this type of surgery; because
you may not have a third chance.
The saying "A tailor does not sew someone else's stitches" is also valid for surgeons.
Most of the surgeons you will apply will not want to perform a second surgery on you, and will
will send it back to the surgeon who performed your surgery. At this point, you need to be very
careful. If you did not benefit from the first surgery, it is likely that you will not benefit from the second surgery performed by the same surgeon. Because every wrong step will invite another wrong step.
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