Conditions that may cause Rh alloimmunization in the mother:

Situations that may cause Rh alloimmunization in the mother:
These are the situations that may cause the Rh(-) mother to produce Rh antibodies.
- Blood transfusion
- Rh (+) baby to mother during pregnancy or birth blood cell passage
- Spontaneous or voluntary abortion
- Curettage
- Ectopic pregnancy
- Early separation of the placenta (the baby's partner)
- Impacts and traumas to the mother's womb
br /> - Amniocentesis (Removing the baby's water from the mother's womb)
- CVS (Chorion villus biopsy)
- Cordocentesis (Taking blood from the baby's cord)
- External cephalic version (The process of turning the baby upside down, It is not done today.)

 Let's talk a little about the Blood Incompatibility injection, that is, Anti-D gamma globulin.
Anti-D Ig is an immunoglobulin drug administered to prevent the interaction between the mother and the baby in case of blood incompatibility. It is usually administered from the hip. It is administered intramuscularly, but intravenous forms are also available. The needle was first discovered in 1968, and after its invention, deaths due to blood incompatibility have decreased noticeably. The mechanism of action of Anti-D Ig is; It is to prevent the erythrocytes that may pass from the baby to the mother to be perceived as foreign and to prevent the mother from creating antibodies against them.

   If the baby is affected by blood incompatibility, the antibodies created by the mother will break down and precipitate the erythrocytes in the baby's blood, causing severe anemia and Hydrops
Fetalis. We said it will create the picture. I would like to talk a little about Hydrops Fetalis.
   Hydrops Fetalis is the accumulation of fluid in various tissues of the baby, especially in the body cavities, and the body becomes edematous in general.
Skin edema, ascites, pleural edema in the baby. Effusion and pericardial fluid accumulation may occur. Polyhydramnios (increased amniotic fluid of the baby) is often observed.
If this Hydrops Fetalis in the baby is caused by an immunological cause such as blood incompatibility, it is called Immune Hydrops Fetalis, also known as Erythroblastosis 
Fetalis. . If it is caused by a non-immunological reason, it is called Non-Immune Hydrops Fetalis. Now I would like to give you information about Hydrops Fetalis, which is immune and caused by Blood Incompatibility.
10% of Hydrops Fetalis is due to immune causes and Erythroblastosis Fetalis. name I wrote that due to blood incompatibility between the mother and the baby, severe anemia and generalized severe edema occur in the baby. The main reason for this mechanism is the formation of heart failure. In addition, extramedullary hematopoiesis (hematopoiesis in the liver) is used to compensate for the anemia. The formation of liver damage and portal hypertension are also reasons that lead to hydrops. The most common cause of Erythroblastosis Fetalis, which we call Immune Hydrops Fetalis, is Rh Incompatibility, which we call Blood Incompatibility.

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