The rule for burning fat is that the body consumes more calories than it takes in. For this reason, calorie restricted diets are planned in all applications. If these restrictions are made within health limits, they can be applied without causing serious health problems. Otherwise, we may experience health problems if we restrict too many calories.
Those who lose weight only through diet will suffer more harm than good, even if they follow a healthy diet. If they do not exercise in addition to diet, or if they only do aerobic exercise and cardio exercise, they will lose muscle along with fat during weight loss. For example, losing 2 kg of muscle will result in a loss of 50 calories in your basal metabolism. As a result, you will become someone with a low metabolism by reducing your muscle mass, which determines the speed of your basal metabolism. At the end of the diet, the weight will have decreased, but as someone with a low metabolism, the weight lost will come back more easily. Calorie restriction creates very important results, your body enters the protection phase and slows down your metabolism, this must be overcome.
A diet combined with strength exercises that preserve or even increase muscle mass will be more effective during weight loss processes. An exercise that builds muscles will increase your metabolic rate. It will also reduce muscle loss in the process. Diets should be made without reducing daily calorie intake to very low levels. In this way, your body composition changes in the right direction as a result of your diet and exercise by increasing your metabolic rate and increasing your muscle mass. After the diet, you will have a more resilient and healthy body with a high metabolism. Your risk of gaining weight again decreases and permanent weight loss occurs.
Calorie counting is a difficult issue, only diet practices do not give permanent results, the right thing to do is diets that increase our metabolic rate with strength exercises. As a result, your fat decreases and your muscles increase. You can even lose weight by eating more than before during the process of strength training.
Excessive calorie restriction disrupts the balance of some hormones and has negative consequences. Menstrual irregularities occur in women. Cortisone, the stress hormone, increases. This hormone is the cause of muscle breakdown and many diseases.
Instead of intense calorie restriction, More permanent and long-lasting results can be achieved by eating natural foods and correct exercise practices. It has not been directly proven that being overweight shortens life expectancy. However, having good muscle mass and a strong body is a good indicator for a healthy and long life.
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