Cruciate Ligament Rehabilitation


The primary goal in the early postoperative period is to ensure full knee extension and quadriceps control.

From the moment the quadriceps can tolerate the pain. contraction, straight leg raise, side lying add. and usa. movements are started.

After the drain is removed, active flexion-extension is performed by sliding the heel. It is beneficial for it to reach 90 degrees at the end of the second week.


Good quadriceps contraction and leg control should be ensured during this period. The movements of the previous period are continued.

At the end of the third week, mini squats (45 degrees) are started.

Towards the end of the period, when good quadriceps contraction and leg control are achieved, the knee brace and crutches are abandoned. (There is no need to wear the knee brace except for walking and lying down)

7-10 WEEKS

Control of all muscle groups is increased, proprioceptive training becomes important and full weight training is provided. This is the period when walking training is provided. Swimming and pool exercises can be used for lower extremity control and walking training.

11-15 WEEKS

16-20 WEEKS


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