Mental Retardation (Mental Retardation)

Mental retardation; In current usage; It is also called mental retardation, intellectual disability, mental retardation, subnormal intelligence, oligophrenia, developmental disability, developmental delay.

Mental retardation, intelligence according to clinical examination findings or IQ (intelligence test) test. It can be defined as the level being 70 or below. The prevalence of mental retardation is given as 2-3% in various societies. It is more common in men. Children with mental retardation are usually brought to the hospital complaining of speech delay. 10% of individuals with MR have serious comorbid psychiatric disorders. As the intelligence level decreases, the risk of co-existing organic disorders and epilepsy increases.


Intelligence levels

Mild MR 

strong>IQ level between 50-55 and about 70.Moderate MRIQ level between 35-40 and 50-55Severe MRIQ level between 20-25 and 35- Between 40 Extremely severe MR IQ level below 20-25 MR, severity undetermined The level cannot be measured with IQ tests, but there is strong evidence of MR


MRI has many causes. Prenatal period (prenatal causes) constitute 50-55%, Perinatal causes (depending on the birth process) constitute 10-15%, Postnatal causes (postnatal causes) constitute 8-10%.


Prenatal Causes

Genetic disorders: Down syndrome, tuberous sclerosis, fragile X syndrome, phenylketonuria, prader willi syndrome, Angelman syndrome, amino acid metabolism disorders,…

-Infections experienced by the mother: CMV, HIV, toxoplasma, HSV…

-Toxins: Cigarettes, alcohol, use of other addictive substances,…

-Placental insufficiency, pregnancy toxemia, maternal metabolic disorders (hypothyroidism, diabetes…),…

Perinatal causes:

- Infections (encephalitis, meningitis,…)

-Asphyxia due to birth process



Postnatal causes:

-Infections (encephalitis, meningitis)

-Toxins (lead, mercury,…)

-Psychos social deprivation

-Nervous system traumas

-Nervous system tumors

-Metabolic diseases,…

Those with an IQ value between 50-70 Those with a score below 50 are considered 'educable'.

The term educable explains that children can learn basic academic skills such as reading, writing and mathematics. 85% of mental retardation is in this group (mild MR). Usually, mental disabilities are not noticed by parents or the environment before starting school. Generally, their motor development is normal, some speech delay may be observed. They meet most of their needs in daily life by themselves. The majority complete primary education with support. They can often live on their own in their adult lives. Cases with mild MR can achieve academic success at the 6th grade level of primary school.


The term teachable means that they cannot be trained in basic academic skills, but they can be taught the social adaptation, practical communication and self-care skills required by daily life. 10% of mental retardation is moderate mental retardation. There are delays in comprehension and language ability, self-care functions and motor skills. Some of the cases with moderate level of MR can reach the first grade level of primary school, but their education is generally limited to daily living skills and self-care.

Cases with severe, extremely severe and undetermined intelligence level need to be kept under constant surveillance and all kinds of Their maintenance must be determined by other people. Children in this group are diagnosed at a very early age, they have significant motor retardation, and they either acquire speech skills late, very little, or cannot acquire them.

The co-existing reasons are also important in the education and training of children with mental retardation. Some disorders have a chronic and progressive course (which may gradually get worse). In these cases, there are limitations in the skills that children can acquire.


Although the term mental retardation is stigmatizing, it may not always last a lifetime. The severity of MR in children, the presence of another organic disorder, the ability to provide timely and appropriate special/general education, the presence of additional psychiatric disorders (such as autism). Factors such as availability or non-availability may be decisive in the course of events. Education, which begins especially in the pre-school period and includes various areas of mental abilities, can be effective in solving problems, thinking abstractly, and making academic progress.

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