What is PRP Treatment? How is it done?

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) is the abbreviated name of the method given to the application of platelet-enriched plasma. In this method, blood is taken from the person to be treated, centrifuged in a sterile environment, and platelet-rich plasma is obtained. This plasma can be injected into the skin or applied after laser, roller applications.

What Do Platelets Do?

Platelets, or platelets, are blood components that contain the "growth factors" necessary for the repair of damaged tissues in our body and their return to their natural state. The essence of PRP is based on increasing the natural healing capacity of the skin with one's own growth factors. In PRP application, much more platelets are given to the damaged tissue than can be carried by the blood circulation. For this purpose, it has been used successfully for years in dental implants, orthopedic interventions and non-healing wound treatments. Considering its mechanism of action and mentioned application areas, it is thought that it can also be used to reduce and delay skin aging and to reduce scars on the skin.

What are the Uses and Benefits of PRP?

PRP is used in non-healing wounds, orthopedic problems, vascular problems, dentistry and for aesthetic purposes. used in the treatment. After the application, a decrease in sagging and wrinkle marks is observed. Applying spot treatments such as peeling and laser together with PRP accelerates the treatment process and supports permanent results.
It can be applied to all age groups and genders. It cannot be applied in cancer patients, when the platelet count is low. PRP is applied as 3-4 sessions with an interval of 2 weeks. It can be repeated every 10 - 12 months. Application sessions last about 30 minutes on average. As PRP can be given to deep wrinkles like filler, it can also be used as mesotherapy or as a mask. Since it is from the person's own blood without the use of a foreign substance, there is no possibility of allergy and other reactions. sa Only a slight pain and bruising may occur in the application area due to injection.
Prevention of Hair Loss
PRP  is one of the cosmetic applications used to prevent hair loss. PRP prepared from the person's own blood is injected into the areas where hair loss is experienced. Thanks to the growth factors it contains and the proteins that provide tissue healing, it provides cell regeneration in the areas where the hair is shed.

Is PRP Stem Cell Therapy?

PRP treatment is not a stem cell treatment. PRP treatment increases the number of platelets that start the whole process. Fibrin networks formed in the skin after the application also work with stem cells indirectly by collecting the stem cells in the environment into its own structure. Therefore, when the skin is treated with PRP rich in platelet cells, the repair and regeneration process of the skin is triggered.

How is PRP Obtained?

In the treatment of PRP, blood is taken from the person and placed in special tubes. Special tubes are placed in the centrifuge device rotating at high speed. The centrifuge device must rotate at a certain speed and time in order to obtain rich plasma from platelet cells.

How is PRP Treatment Applied?

In the plasma obtained from the blood taken from the person, the part at the bottom of the tube is the richest part of clot cells and growth factors. The plasma obtained in the PRP treatment is applied to the problem area of ​​the skin with the help of tiny needles.
PRP serum can be applied to the skin after fractional laser and fractional radiofrequency applications. In this way, PRP is easily absorbed from the opened pores.

How Often Is PRP Done?

PRP treatment is done at intervals of 2-4 weeks.

To Whom PRP Is Not Applied?

It is not applied to those who have a family history of cancer, those who use blood thinners, those who have blood diseases, those who have infection and inflammation in the area where the application will be made, those who are pregnant and breastfeeding.

When Are the Results of PRP Treatment Seen?

Since PRP treatment is based on self-renewal of the skin or the applied tissue, it is wrong to wait for the treatment result immediately. The results of PRP treatment appear after the second or third session.
After PRP treatment for aesthetic purposes, skin tightening and sagging are reduced, wrinkles are lightened. This results in lightening of the spots on the skin, brightness in the skin color and a decrease in the scars. After the applications to the scalp, an increase in hair thickness and condensation in rare areas are observed.

How Long Does PRP Affect Work and Social Life?

After the PRP application, the person can continue his normal life. There is no image that will affect the work and social life of the person. In some cases, depending on the needles used in the application, small and temporary bruises and redness may occur. Applying ice compresses after the procedure alleviates this side effect.

What Should Be Considered After PRP Process?

There is no hot bath on the same day as the procedure. Sunscreen should be used.

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