It is all of the operations that will be performed to have rounder, more prominent hips, tighter thighs (the area between the hip and the knee) and fuller or thinner calves (the area between the knee and ankle). p>
How is the operation performed?
In hip operations, vacuum fat removal can be applied to achieve a more shaped and lifted hip
. Fat injections and hip prostheses can be used to achieve the desired hip shape.
In thigh lift operations, excess fat is removed by liposuction. However, when excess weight is lost or in older ages when the skin loses its elasticity, removing fat alone is not enough. Excess skin
is removed by the thigh lift method.
A common problem in the calves is the crooked leg appearance due to calf weakness. To solve this problem, fat can be injected into the area or calf prostheses can be placed from behind the knee. Inner knee, calf or ankle thickness is corrected by removing excess fat with liposuction.
What is the Treatment Duration?
Liposuction in the leg and hip area is a method that does not leave any scars. The edema that will occur after the operation will disappear within two weeks, but it may take 4-6 weeks for the body to settle and the results to be seen.
Thigh lift is an operation performed horizontally and vertically, leaving a slight scar. .
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