The DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria for Narcissistic Personality Disorder is examined under Cluster B in the Personality Disorders Section in the Reference Manual. This disorder, which draws attention in different times, situations and environments, is defined as the search or expectation of being liked by other people in young individuals (American Psychiatric Association, 2013) They feel the need for constant attention, relevance and approval. People with this diagnosis generally like themselves more intensely than they normally would in many different ways (Öztürk, Uluşahin, 2016). They compare their own mental and physical characteristics with the spiritual and physical qualities of other individuals, and they tend to see themselves as much more qualified than other individuals. These people think that they deserve special attention and care in every environment they are in.
In addition to these kinds of thoughts that are not objective for them, these individuals generally demand that the people around them say praiseworthy words about themselves and all their behaviors and show them uninterrupted interest and concern. At the same time, they see that they should have higher-level opportunities than other people and this is a right that they should have, but they demand to receive these rights (Öztürk, Uluşahin, 2016).
Having such demands and expectations.
Although individuals diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder seem to like themselves, the state of their self-esteem/value is the one that will come to them by other people. They are dependent on hearing sentences containing interest, concern and praise and getting approval (Öztürk, Uluşahin, 2016). The fact that they become quite defensive against the criticisms that may come from their environment is related to the fact that their self-esteem is easily damaged and damaged (Öztürk, Uluşahin, 20). 16.
Individuals diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder tend to exhibit self-aggrandizement behaviors, desire to see themselves as superior to them, and use people to show them this way. They use the social relationships they have established for this purpose (Öztürk, Uluşahin, 2016).
The reasons why individuals with a diagnosis of Narcissistic Personality Disorder exhibit selfish and egocentric attitudes in their relationships; lack of empathy skills and insensitivity to other people's feelings and thoughts. They draw attention with their inadequacy in reconciliation and low conciliation as well as not showing an attitude of thinking about society, low moderate relationship aspects (Cihangiroğlu, 2014). It is predicted that there may be some characteristics and different opinions have been mentioned on this subject (Öztürk, Uluşahin, 2016).
In the book Mental Health and Disorders written by Orhan Öztürk and Aylin Uluşahin, individuals with Narcissistic Personality Disorder are exposed in childhood. The similarity of the behavior pattern of their parents is shown as an example. In addition, as a result of the parents' behavior of exalting all the characteristics of the child in a way that is more than normal, their negative aspects of the child are not talked about and that they have an attitude that cannot be criticized, it is seen that the sense of self has a role to be enlarged (Öztürk, Uluşahin, 2016).
When individuals with Narcissistic Personality Disorder feel an attack on their ego, the probability of experiencing a pathological level of Narcissism increases (Eldogan,2016).
The DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria Reference Manual has listed for individuals with Narcissistic Personality Disorder Diagnostic criteria can be specified as follows.
As stated in the DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria Reference Manual, I can diagnose a person with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. For supplementation, it is necessary to have at least five or more of the following items (American Psychiatric Association, 2013).
People with this disorder overly praise themselves. They describe the success and abilities they have had throughout their lives in extreme detail, and they tend to describe it much more than they normally do, and they want to know that they are seen as superior by the people around them (Öztürk, Uluşahin, 2016).
They have a desire to have fame, beauty, success and intelligence that will not end throughout their lives, as well as to receive love (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Since he thinks that he is a very valuable and important individual and believes in these thoughts, he believes that he should only meet with individuals who are similar to him and that he should be in social environments where there are individuals that he thinks are very similar to himself, and that he can communicate with only those individuals in the way he wants (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). p>
He always wants to see that he is greatly admired and honored by everyone (Öztürk, Uluşahin, 2016). When it comes to situations such as priority, he is not disturbed by this situation and moreover, he thinks that he deserves it.
He takes advantage of the social and financial opportunities of the people around him, and at the same time does not feel uncomfortable using people for the sake of his goals and the purpose he wants to achieve (Öztürk, Uluşahin, 2016).
He is insufficient to empathize with his social environment and family. They cannot understand other people's situations, basic needs, and the emotions they feel (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). they envy them and envy those individuals because of their position, rank or the characteristics they have (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Because he has such thoughts about other people and also because he sees himself as superior. He may think that people are also jealous of him (Öztürk, Uluşahin, 2016).
He does not see the individuals around him as people who deserve respect. He frequently exhibits self-deprecating attitudes and arrogant behaviors towards the people around him (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Other disorders may be confused. In order to prevent this confusion, the individual should be evaluated carefully.
Borderline Personality Disorder and Narcissistic Personality Disorder
The psychological mechanisms and identity perceptions found in this study show similarity (Öztürk, Uluşahin, 2016). Apart from these features, the inability to empathize is the main factor that causes Borderline Personality Disorder and Narcissistic Personality Disorder to be seen as similar disorders. they can use and manipulate individuals for their own purposes or in line with their wishes, and it is seen as their common feature that they are not disturbed by this (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). they are. In both personality disorders, it is evident that the identity structure is easily damaged and easily broken (Öztürk, Uluşahin, 2016). is that it displays the results of the pattern without any attempt to calculate it. While this condition is not seen in Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder It is possible to see this situation in Marital Disorder (Öztürk, Uluşahin, 2016), (American Psychiatric Association, 2013).
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