As women get older, their fertility decreases as their egg numbers decrease. Fertility begins to decline in women
after the age of 32. This decrease accelerates after the age of 37. The eggs of older women are not fertilized as easily as those of young people. As we get older, diseases such as endometriosis and myoma
affect fertility. For these reasons, having children after the age of 35 may cause many
health problems. It may also pose a risk to the mother and child in life after birth.
What kind of problems occur in pregnancies after the age of 35?
Older women may experience more health problems during pregnancy than younger women. For example,
high blood pressure is more common in older women. If the pregnant woman is over 35 years of age, her chances of developing high blood pressure increase, which may pose some pregnancy-related risks. High blood pressure that occurs during pregnancy affects the development of the placenta and the fetus. Along with the risk of high blood pressure, the risk of miscarriage or
large baby, called macrosomia, increases significantly in the fetus.
Advanced age also increases pregnancy diabetes and gestational diabetes. If a pregnant woman has diabetes, she is too at risk to have a child with hereditary diseases.
Is the risk of having a hereditary disease in the babies of older women increased?
Older women have a hereditary disease. The chances of having babies with the disease are generally low. However, the chances of giving birth to babies with hereditary diseases due to missing
chromosomes, damaged chromosomes or extra chromosomes are higher than those at younger ages.
What kind of tests can be done for the baby during pregnancy to investigate hereditary diseases?
Screening tests evaluate the possibility of the baby having some known diseases. Diagnostic tests, on the other hand, tell for sure whether the baby has a certain disease. Diagnostic tests are used to diagnose some chromosomal
diseases or hereditary diseases. These tests; targeted ultrasound
examination, amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling. Diagnostic tests: If the pregnant woman is older or there is a known disease in the family, screening tests should be performed. It can also be applied before pregnancy.
Are older women at risk in multiple pregnancy?
The probability of multiple pregnancy in older women is higher than in younger people. Additionally, the risk of multiple pregnancy resulting from some infertility
treatments increases. Multiple pregnancy causes serious health problems.
Pregnancy-related high blood pressure, premature birth, growth problems in babies, and gestational diabetes
disease are some of these disorders.
In older women, during or after birth What are the possible problems?
The risk of premature birth is higher in older women. Babies born prematurely experience health problems that can be treated in a short or long time. The possibility of stillbirth is also higher than normal in pregnancies after the age of 35. Women aged 30 and over are more likely to have a cesarean section than women in their 20s.
As with all surgical operations, infection, organ
injury, such as bladder, bowel or anesthesia-related problems may develop during cesarean section.
What should be done before pregnancy to have a healthy baby?
Healthy baby. To become pregnant, women must be seen by a gynecologist
before getting pregnant. They should eat healthy and consume 0.4 milligrams of folic acid per day. Regular exercise should be continued both
before pregnancy and during pregnancy and breastfeeding. If the expectant mother is overweight, it would be very beneficial to lose weight before getting pregnant. If she uses cigarettes, alcohol or other addictive substances, she should definitely stop using them before getting pregnant. Chemical substances that may be harmful to the baby, such as bleach, should be avoided
before and after pregnancy.
What should be done during pregnancy to ensure that the baby is healthy?
A person should take care of themselves during pregnancy. One should take good care and go for pregnancy check-ups regularly and early. During each
prenatal care, the doctor at the health institution checks the mother and your baby and takes precautions against any problems that may
occur. Exercise should not be recommended during pregnancy. You should definitely walk for at least 30
minutes every day.
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