What is HIV Phobia and Fear of AIDS? How is it treated?

Many people are tested dozens of times in hospitals due to FEAR of HIV (AIDS obsession). The majority of people who have the test repeat the test dozens of times, even though the HIV test results are negative, and feel the need to repeat the test shortly after the result. The inner voice of these people tells them that the test is wrong, that it is actually AIDS, and when they get the result of the test, they feel relief for a very short time. After a while, their inner voices begin to say the same thing again. They feel the need to test again for dozens of reasons, such as the test is not accurate, it may have been mixed with another test in the laboratory, the hospital does not have the necessary tools, etc. They look for other places where they can perform more comprehensive and detailed tests. Sometimes they always have it done at the same place, but for some reason they do not trust the doctor or the results of the test. Their inner voices always say the same thing, "Do I have HIV?" These people are mostly people who have had sex with prostitutes without protection. This union is rarely their first sexual experience. The first thing that comes to mind is the possibility of people with whom they have sexual intercourse having AIDS, and then, if the woman has AIDS, the fear that I was infected during sexual intercourse and that I too have AIDS begins. In obsessive-compulsive disorder, a thought comes to mind; in this sense, AIDS phobia shows similar characteristics to the obsession with cleanliness. The person feels the need to constantly wash his hands due to the feeling of pollution that comes to his mind. These patients wash their hands hundreds of times a day, but they cannot convince themselves that their hands are clean. There is a similar situation in those who suffer from HIV phobia. The person constantly repeats the behavior of getting tested, but does not believe that the result is negative.
People with HIV Fear Are Afraid of Infecting Their Families.
One of the main fears I see in people with HIV fear is the fear that they will infect their families, especially their spouses, with AIDS. For this reason, they do not want to have sexual intercourse with their spouses. They have similar feelings about their spouses, children and other members of the family, or HIV can infect them too. They are afraid if it gets damaged. After a while, these people begin to move away from the people around them and their families and live on their own. They become quiet and withdrawn. People who are afraid of HIV are mostly quiet and introverted people who were known as good children in their childhood and live by themselves.

HIV symptoms; These are high fever, sore throat, skin redness and rashes. People with HIV phobia begin to feel these symptoms, which they research on the internet, after a while. When a person reads these symptoms, he thinks that he can experience them, and after a while, he begins to actually observe and experience them. When you take a drug like this, you read about its side effects, and after a while you start to feel the side effects you read about. In fact, although side effects are rare and never seen in most people, your brain makes you experience what you read. In fact, this is the reason why most people do not read about the side effects of the drug after using it.

The chance of contracting HIV is one in two thousand in unprotected vaginal intercourse. HIV is a disease that can be detected within a maximum of 90 days. This period is valid for the Elisa (anti HIV test) test. For other tests; 14 days are sufficient for the p24 antigen test and 24 days are sufficient for the combo. The problem in people with HIV phobia usually occurs during this period. For example, someone who has a combo test has the same test again 3 days later. Most of the time, another test is performed before the results of one test are received.
Causes of Obsessive Compulsive Disease (causes of obsession disease)
Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (obsessive disease) is a disease caused by problems that occur in the child's development between the ages of two and four. In other words, it corresponds to the period that Freud called anal period fixation. During this period, the child begins to become active and makes physical movements on his own. The basic emotion for the child in this period is pleasure. The child wants to eat freely, wants to sleep at the time he wants, and goes to the toilet wherever he wants. The child has little connection with reality during this period. He wants to do everything he wants to do, when he wants to do it. Parents, on the other hand, want to draw the child into reality and adapt to social life. Sometimes verbal, sometimes behavioral sanctions are given to bring the For example, when the child does not want to eat at the table, the mother says that the child cannot eat in front of the television. This is a normal and healthy process, but in obsessive people, conflict between the child and the rule-making parents is very high. The more the child resists not following the rules, the more oppressive and destructive the parent becomes. While some of these children adapt to the aggressive and controlling parent and stop resisting, others continue a more aggressive and conflictual relationship. People with AIDS phobia are more intimidated, quiet and comply with the rules. These people are people who show more passive resistance in their social lives. They are harmonious, kind but controlling and passive philanthropists who often say they will do things they do not want to do but do not do them, who prolong things, that is, they often cannot say no to others.
This period basically has a few characteristics that need to be overcome, dual emotions (I both love and hate), It is doubt, distrust, self-determination. The basic feeling in people who fear AIDS is doubt and distrust. While suspicion is a suspicion that the woman they are with has a fatal disease, distrust is the suspicion that she has been infected with this disease in the process, and that this disease is not detected in any tests, as well as distrust of doctors, hospitals, etc. The primary reason why they are not convinced by the result is insecurity and doubt.

The effect of drug treatment in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is low, it has been observed that OCD temporarily softens with drug treatment, but after the drug is stopped, the symptoms return with the same intensity. Obsessive compulsive disorder is a disease that can often be cured with psychodynamic psychotherapy technique.
People with HIV phobia may continue to have the test for years, and there is a possibility that it will go away on its own after a while. When it passes on its own, this obsession is often replaced by another obsession. For example, HIV phobia may be replaced by an obsession with hand washing or cleaning. With psychotherapy, the cause and basis of this obsession is investigated. The aim of psychotherapy is to find the underlying emotion of the obsession and heal it.
Plug this As the disease progresses, people with this condition are more likely to experience sexual problems. They move away from their surroundings and have feelings of loneliness, meaninglessness, purposelessness, and worthlessness. They may even consider committing suicide after getting tired of the same thoughts that come to their minds throughout the day.

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