During our lives, we encounter many problems in every field. While we solve some of these without being aware of it, with our automatic reactions; we have to produce new solution strategies about some of them. Children, just like adults, face many problems during the day. They have to cope with situations such as not being able to swing their turn in the park, taking away their friend's toy, being afraid to talk in class, missing their parents when they are away, losing their toy, obeying the rules. The reaction to these situations, the decisions taken and the way used to reach the solution form the problem solving skill.
Helping children gain problem-solving skills is very important for social and psychological development. It is seen that children who develop problem-solving skills from an early age experience less anxiety. In addition, a healthy ground is prepared for advancing ages. Having problem-solving skills also supports the development of self-confidence, as it contributes to the development of the belief that one can overcome the problems.
To be able to develop problem solving skills, it is necessary to have critical thinking, planning/organizing and evaluation skills. For this reason, it is very important to contribute to problem solving skills by supporting these skills in children from an early age. Supporting children in terms of defining the problem, recognizing the reflection in themselves (emotions, thoughts and even the reflection on their body), making decisions about them and putting them into practice helps them experience less anxiety and stress; It also greatly reduces the level of dependence on others.
Suggestions to improve problem solving skills in children;
When your child encounters a problem, listen to it actively and try to understand it. Ask only questions that will help you understand it better. Make a brief summary of what he has said to confirm whether you have understood it correctly. In addition to understanding the problem; Help him realize the feelings he is feeling, the thoughts going through his mind, and what is going on in his body while all this is happening. p;
If you observe that your child needs to calm down before going to the solution stage, help him/her and teach him/her ways to calm down for future use (eg counting to 10, slow breathing, touching something that relaxes, smelling the smells that he/she likes/relaxing, doing an activity he/she likes by resting in a favorite area, etc.)
Listen to the solutions your child thinks about the problem. Avoid rejecting or getting angry when there are options that you think are inappropriate. If there is an option that you think will work, encourage it to act. If your child is having trouble finding a solution, you can offer him different alternatives. You can tell stories involving your own problem-solving strategies or give examples from yourself. It's very important that she knows she can get help if she has trouble finding a solution, and that this is perfectly normal. However, you should definitely avoid saying what to do directly or solving the problem instead.
Give your child age-appropriate responsibilities in your home and social life. Fulfilling responsibilities helps increase self-confidence. A child with a boost of confidence also feels less anxious about tackling problems and has more courage to take action.
Ask your child's opinion in situations that may or may not involve problems. Try to understand their wants and needs and make sure you understand. Show that you care about their opinions. The child, who feels that his presence, thoughts and voice have a meaning and importance, will be more courageous in trusting his own thoughts and decisions in the face of problems.
When the character encounters a problem in the movies you watch together or the books you read, take a little break and talk about it. What do you think (the character) is thinking? How does it feel? What can do to solve this problem? What would you do if it happened to you? You can chat with questions like: Then you can answer the same questions.
For children's books to help develop problem-solving skills examples;
If There Was One More Than Me/Peter Reynolds
Three Cats and a Monster/Sara Hawkwing
What Do You Do With a Problem?/Kobi Yamada
The Sheep That Doesn't Like Being Sheared/Gemma Merino
Alas, My Heart Is Broken/Elif Yemenici
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