Tube Stomach Surgery in Overweight (Obesity)

Obesity has become one of the important problems of our age. Wrong food selection and lack of portion control are the most important causes of obesity.

What is Tube Stomach Surgery?

It is performed to prevent life-threatening conditions that may occur in the course of some diseases associated with overweight in obese individuals by weight control.
Obesity and its medical treatment. For detailed information about What is the Disease of Our Age, Obesity?
This method, which is most commonly used today, is known as stomach reduction surgery, which is popularly known as sleeve gastrectomy surgery. This surgery is usually performed with a closed (laparoscopic) method. During this surgery, approximately 80% of the stomach is removed under the guidance of a tube placed in the stomach temporarily through the mouth and the stomach volume is reduced.
It is aimed to reduce the volume of food taken with stomach shrinkage. In addition, since the secretion of the hormone (Gharelin) secreted from the removed area of ​​the stomach and triggering the feeling of hunger decreases, a feeling of saturation occurs with a small amount of food after the surgery. Weight control is achieved with a new diet and exercise gained after the surgery.

Who Should Have Tube Stomach Surgery?

Patients who will undergo gastric sleeve surgery should have a body mass index (BMI) of 40 and above. A BMI between 35-39.9 and one or more of concomitant heart disease, diabetes (Type 2 Diabetes), hypertension, high cholesterol, sleep apnea, reflux disease.

What are the General Risks of Tube Stomach Surgery? ?

Since sleeve gastrectomy is a major operation, it carries some risks both in the short term and in the long term.

Short term risks:
