My dear clients and readers, one out of every two men over the age of forty, and even two out of three men, experience erectile dysfunction at some point in their life, and a large percentage of them are temporary. Some of them are psychological and the other part is due to an organic disease, it is very important to distinguish the psychological hardening problem from permanent
If morning stiffness, or stiffness between sleep, occurs naturally, psychological erection problem,
If the erection problem suddenly appeared, psychological erection problem,
There is an erection until the intercourse, right at the entrance if it disappears, psychological hardening p>
If depression occurs after trauma or grief
If there is performance anxiety (intense fear of failure), if there is psychological erection problem
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Psychological erection problem if there is no problem while masturbating
Psychological erection problem if you feel that the problem may be psychological before you go to the doctor
- If there is hidden anger or adaptation to the dominant partner, the situation is considered to be a psychological erection disorder.
Apart from the clear cases above, many erectile dysfunction can be caused by both psychological and physical reasons. or a combination of these. (For example, we can attribute the fear of failure that accompanies someone with high blood pressure to high blood pressure, and similarly, there are many of our patients who attribute their erection problem to this situation as soon as they are diagnosed with diabetes. In another example, physical erection disorder occurs in parallel during periods when blood sugar is too high. When blood sugar returns to normal, the erection problem will also improve.
Even if all these temporary physical conditions improve, the fear of failure, which men are extremely sensitive to, makes the situation permanent and constant avoidance and a tendency to attribute the situation to organic events are frequently observed.
A doctor who specializes in sexual problems can be consulted and, if necessary, with examinations. will distinguish between psychological and physical erectile dysfunction. Sex therapy and information can be applied to every patient or client, since the situation triggers each other, whether or not there is a psychological erection problem.
Stay healthy and peaceful
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