Relationship Addiction

Addiction is a structure, a form of behavior, and it is learned. It is usually transmitted from the family. If we interpret it from a psychoanalytical perspective, the person's relationship with the mother lays the seeds for this. With later life interventions, the person begins his journey towards relationship addiction. People and situations may change here. The person who develops addiction is sometimes limited to a single person, sometimes it may not be a single person. Sometimes this brings in another person who can be a backup in case that person is not available. Sometimes it develops dependence on everyone because the person does not have the ability to act and decide on his own. Then he conveys this to everyone around him. Relationship addiction includes the person's worry that the relationship will be damaged, the worry that he will be abandoned, and the thought that he will not be able to take the relationship to the point he wants.

Here are the symptoms of relationship addiction:

• Having difficulty in making decisions in the relationship
• Having difficulty in recognizing one's own feelings in the relationship
• Having trouble communicating in the relationship
• Valuing the other person more than yourself
• Feeling a lack of self-confidence and respect
• Feeling fear of abandonment or an obsessive need
• Feeling an unhealthy dependency in the relationship, even if it makes it financially difficult
/> • Exaggeratingly embracing the responsibilities of others

Addiction is a state of conflict with oneself, where a person cannot control his/her behavior, emotions and thoughts, even though he/she wants to control them. Relationship addiction, one of the biggest problems experienced in relationships lately, begins to make both the addict and the person addicted unhappy. In relationships where relationship addiction develops, there is a situation of living in an isolated relationship. Decreased environment, increased time spent alone by the couple, decreased communication with families, and decreased relationships with friends. So the couple started to be alone more. As with substance addiction, after a certain point in relationship addiction, your expectations from the person gradually increase.


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