Fluency disorder; Repetitions in sounds, syllables, words and phrases are interruptions in the flow of speech characterized by abnormality of pace and rhythm. This may be accompanied by secondary behaviors such as excessive tension and avoidance behavior. Although fluency disorders were previously examined as developmental and acquired, it is now accepted that they are something that exists in the brain.
What is Stuttering?
Stuttering is the most common fluency disorder and has many forms (hesitations, repetitions). , prolongation, , exclamations) and the rhythm or flow of speech is interrupted by interruptions or pauses. In addition, negative reactions, physical tension, increased avoidance, or general withdrawal from communication may also accompany secondary behavior. As the severity of stuttering decreases with the stuttering intervention methods, secondary behaviors will spontaneously decrease. Stuttering usually begins in childhood and, in some cases, continues throughout life. In addition, it is frequently encountered that fear triggers stuttering triggered by anxiety.
Stuttering in Children
Childhood stuttering usually begins at the age of 2-2.5. . 95% of children who stutter begin to stutter before the age of 5. 80% of stuttering seen in childhood can disappear spontaneously. Therefore, in our country, childhood stuttering is often considered developmental. In addition, it would be beneficial to intervene with modern therapy techniques in childhood stuttering.
Stuttering Therapy
Many stuttering intervention methods are applied in our institution for children and adults (Lidcomebe, Shaping Fluency, Rhythm method, Language-Based Approaches, etc.). Some studies have revealed that stuttering intervention methods do not differ significantly from each other. Therefore, what comes to the fore is how well the speech therapist applies the therapy method used, rather than the stuttering intervention method applied.
What is Fast Cluttering?
Fast slurred speech is the abnormal speed of speech. It is a fluency disorder that is seen as irregular or both.
So Fast� � What is Disordered Speech?
1) Rapid garbled speech is called 'machine gun' speech by many speech therapists.
2) Extremely disorganized, fast, often containing irrelevant words or phrases. It includes expressions.
3) Unfinished words, repetition of whole words, repetition of the last syllable of the word are among the situations that are very typically encountered in fast and garbled speech. It may also be accompanied by incorrect/incomplete pronunciation, irregular tempo, and not being sure about what to say.
Those with rapid garbled speech may have one or more of the following.
Unless they are warned by others. They are unaware or have limited awareness of their disorganized speech.
Difficulty organizing thoughts
Sloppy handwriting
Learning disability
Auditory processing disorder
Autism Spectrum Disorder/Asperger Syndrome
/> Stuttering (A person can both stutter and have rapid slurred speech)
What are the Intervention Methods Used in Rapidly Distorted Speech
Intervention methods used in stuttering are applied.
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