Achieve the Body Shape You Dream of!

With the arrival of summer, diet adventures and detox programs have become permanent. In addition to all this, we should not forget the foods that burn fat! In men, the weight usually accumulates in the belly area, while in women, the excess weight accumulates either in the belly area or in the hips, creating two types of body shapes. If we take a look at these body shapes, which we call apple and pear types, it seems that having a pear type is more advantageous in terms of health, but from a psychological perspective, the situation is quite complicated!

Those with a pear type body shape are luckier!

In people with an apple-shaped body shape, excess weight and therefore fat accumulated in the belly area increases the person's chances of developing diabetes, blood pressure and heart disease in the future. After women with an apple-shaped body shape enter menopause, it becomes much easier to gain weight from the belly area, and it becomes more difficult to lose weight.

For women with a pear-shaped body, the hip area is wider and it becomes more severe when they gain weight. It consists of people with widened hips. Since women are naturally fertile, having this type of body is actually a natural process. Moreover, the likelihood of diseases is slightly lower compared to women with apple-shaped bodies! However, even if women with this body shape, which most Turkish women lose weight, lose weight, they still look like small pears instead of being big pears. However, these people's goal when dieting is always to have an hourglass-shaped body, just like everyone else.

It is now very easy to get the body shape you dream of!

In this age of technology, do not keep your dreams small. Make the right and logical decisions by having the body shape you dream of, not as a small pear when you are a big pear. To do this, all you have to do is follow your diet program specially prepared for you, benefit from our state-of-the-art devices and follow your exercise program that will enable you to do sports. Summer is over, now it's time to take action!


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