The Most Important Meal of the Day: Breakfast

It is a fact known by everyone that our nutritional habits are one of the most important factors that affect us living a healthy, quality and long life. As a result of mistakes made in eating habits, we may encounter problems such as physical and mental fatigue, forgetfulness and restlessness during the day. Therefore, not neglecting breakfast, which is the most important meal of the day, before starting our daily routine, will both increase our performance during the day and accelerate our metabolism, which has slowed down throughout the night.

In case of a fast of approximately 10-12 hours from dinner to breakfast. Since our metabolism works slowly, breakfast, which is the start of the day, should be made with quality and high-nutritious foods. It has been determined that losing weight becomes more difficult when you start the day without breakfast, and that the body tends to store more fat in the next meals. In this case, it causes unhealthy weight gain and irregular fat gain.

The human body needs glucose to perform basic brain functions during the day. If we eat breakfast regularly in the morning, our blood sugar rises regularly and the glucose needed by our muscles and brain is taken into the body. This allows us to work more dynamically and energetically during the day, and also prevents us from getting suddenly hungry.

Another thing that mothers should especially pay attention to is instilling the breakfast habit in school-age children. The carbohydrates, fat, protein and vitamins necessary for the healthy continuation of children's development processes must be provided with adequate and regular nutrition. For this reason, mothers' duty is to ensure that their children eat all these foods in a fancy breakfast that they will enjoy.

Benefits of a regular and balanced breakfast

Every morning, in a regular and balanced breakfast. A healthy breakfast plate keeps our blood sugar balanced throughout the day.

It helps control weight and, according to research, it has been revealed that those who skip breakfast gain weight more easily and become fatter individuals.

slowing down after a period of fasting It accelerates our metabolism.

It is beneficial for the functioning of our nervous system.

It helps us start the day energetically, dynamically and happily.

Studies have shown that it affects attention and success in school-age children.

How should a healthy breakfast be?

A healthy breakfast should be rich in nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals.

As a carbohydrate, bread is indispensable for breakfast. However, for foods in the bread and bread group, whole grain breads or whole grain breakfast cereals would be the right choices. Pastries, such as pastries, are unhealthy choices because they contain processed carbohydrates and are high in fat.

Protein sources should include quality proteins such as milk, cheese and eggs.

The choice for breakfast depends on the season. Appropriate abundance of fresh vegetables or fruits contribute to breakfast as they meet our vitamin and mineral needs and have high fiber content.

Not including simple sugars such as jam, honey, marmalade and spreadable chocolate in our breakfast will also help us maintain weight control.


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