What is dermatomyositis? Dermatomyositis Symptoms and Treatment

Dermatomyositis is a rare inflammatory disease. With the development of this condition, complaints of skin rash, muscle weakness and muscle inflammation known as inflammatory myopathy occur. Dermatomyositis is a condition that can affect individuals of all ages. Although a definitive treatment method has not been developed for this disease yet, complaints that occur during the course of the disease can be controlled with various treatment attempts. You can follow the rest of the article for other topics you are wondering about dermatomyositis.

What is dermatomyositis?

Dermatomyositis is a rare inflammatory disease that can affect many different body parts, especially skin and muscle. Studies indicate that this disease is an autoimmune disease that occurs as a result of the immune system attacking its own tissues and organs. Complaints of skin rash and muscle weakness that occur during the course of the disease generally tend to start at the same time. Dermatomyositis can affect both young and adult individuals. When the distribution of the disease according to age is examined, it has been determined that there is a concentration in individuals in their late 40s and early 60s, and this disease is more common especially in female individuals. Juvenile dermatomyositis, which is a form of dermatomyositis in children, is seen in children aged 5-15 years. Although there is no known definitive treatment method for this disease, it is important to remember that the symptoms caused by the disease can be controlled with various treatment attempts.

How is the diagnosis made?
Muscle enzymes and rheumatic tests and skin and muscle biopsies are helpful

What Causes Dermatomyositis?

The cause of dermatomyositis has not been fully elucidated yet. However, the mechanism of occurrence of the disease is thought to have a similar pattern to various autoimmune diseases. Autoimmune diseases are diseases that occur as a result of the immune system, which normally fights against all kinds of internal and external harmful factors, especially infectious agents, by producing various antibodies and attacking healthy cells. This kind of Although dermatomyositis, which is thought to have a developmental mechanism, can occur in any individual, it is recommended that people in age groups where the disease affects more individuals should be conscious about the symptoms that may occur regarding this disease.

What are the Symptoms of Dermatomyositis?

Symptoms of dermatomyositis may follow an insidious development over weeks and months, or they may appear suddenly. These complaints that may occur and the symptoms evaluated within the dermatomyositis diagnostic criteria can be summarized as follows: finger joint lesions

  • Hard, irregularly shaped calcinosis involving joints such as knees and elbows (This condition especially affects children in childhood. It is seen in approximately 1 out of every 5 patients in the adult patient group)
  • Muscle weakness that is prominent in the neck, hips, thighs, back and shoulders and usually affects the body bilaterally
  • Skin rash on the scalp or general hair loss
  • Swallowing due to dermatomyositis esophagus involvement Problems with breathing (Dysphagia)
  • Abnormal tiredness during activities such as climbing stairs, straightening or raising arms
  • Weight loss, not very high fever, inflammation in the lungs and lightening, especially in adults Be careful because it can lead to conditions such as muscle weakness and rash, skin wound development, stomach ulcers or nutrient deficiencies caused by dermatomyositis. Although not common, some patients with dermatomyositis may develop arthritis, known as joint inflammation. For the difference between polymyositis and dermatomyositis, which are among similar diseases, it can be said that there are various skin findings of dermatomyositis, especially rashes. Detection of dermatomyositis in individuals older than 60 years of age; It is recommended to be careful as it increases the possibility of getting various malignant diseases. Apart from these conditions, patients with dermatomyositis, inflammation of the heart muscle (myocarditis), Raynaud's phenomenon It should be kept in mind that cancer, lung tissue diseases and various connective tissue disorders can also be added to the disease table.

    How is Dermatomyositis Treatment?

    Currently, there is no treatment method that can completely eliminate dermatomyositis. The basic principle of the treatment approach to dermatomyositis is to control the complaints and thus to improve the living standards of the patients. In this context, physicians may apply to prescribe various drugs that will reduce inflammation in patients' bodies, especially corticosteroids. Thanks to these drugs, it is expected that the level of dermatomyositis antibodies produced by the immune system against its own tissues and organs will decrease. However, it should be kept in mind that treatment with corticosteroids is not an innocent treatment approach. Long-term use of corticosteroids may result in many conditions such as weight gain and cataract development, especially diabetes and bone resorption known as osteoporosis. use of biological agents. Methotrexate therapy is usually combined with steroid therapy. Methotrexate, which is evaluated in the disease-modifying drug category, is effective in reducing the level of excessive response created by the body's immune system. Immunoglobulin therapy is an effective method in neutralizing the antibodies that are already produced in the body by intravenously administered immunoglobulin proteins and cause the development of complaints. Biological agents such as cyclosporine, azathioprine, tacrolimus and rituximab can be used in severe and advanced dermatomyositis cases. It should be conscious that the side effects that may occur with the use of these drugs can be quite severe. In addition to medical treatment interventions, it is recommended to apply complementary treatment interventions such as nutrition, physical therapy and speech therapy for the healing process of dermatomyositis.

    The establishment of a nutrition program is a very important approach in the fight against nutritional deficiencies that may occur during the course of the disease. While physical therapy applications can be effective against the progression of muscle weakness in people, speech therapy aims to support the muscles in these regions against problems such as swallowing difficulties and food leakage into the respiratory system. Dermatomyositis is a rare condition that needs to be conscious of. If you observe the signs and symptoms of this disease in yourself, it is recommended to apply to the nearest health institution and get support from specialist physicians.

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