What is Body Image?

The mental representation one has of oneself are body images that may or may not be related to how they actually look. One's parents' opinions, other early experiences, internal aspects such as emotions or moods, and other factors can alter one's perception of one's body. Body dysmorphic disorder, a severe form of negative body image, is characterized by an excessive obsession with a minor or imperceptible defect in one's appearance.

We start to form our body image from a young age. When we are little, we are like little sponges that absorb all the messages around us. These signals affect how we see the world, other people and ourselves.

When we are young, we sometimes get clear messages from those around us or from what we hear. For example, comments made by your family members about your or other people's appearance may ultimately influence the formation of your ideas about what describes a desirable or undesirable physique.

Children are also sensitive to unconscious messages and other indirect messages in the media. For example, in a television program, all popular children have a certain body type, while a bad or unpopular child may be portrayed as overweight. This is a way of expressing that having a larger body is undesirable.

The Effects of Negative Body Image

A person's performance in school or professional career, relationship satisfaction, and overall quality of life can all be affected by having a negative body image. The person can often focus on a specific feature, such as the legs, breasts, or nose. However, this alleged defect is not visible to other people. Such negative thoughts about one's own body cause individuals to focus on a 'defect' in a dysfunctional way, and some may even go to cosmetic surgeons frequently.

People often overlook the vital function of the body due to body image concerns, but our body also serves many other vital purposes, which is much more important.

Your body is successful for you Think of everything possible. Thank every part of your body. Can you hold the people you love in your arms? Do your legs carry you to your destinations? Can you use your hands to touch things? Send your body a thank you for all the ways it has helped you throughout your life.

How can you support someone struggling with body image?

Depending on how strongly it affects a person, negative body image can be difficult to overcome. Encourage your friend to express their feelings, but avoid any criticism about their appearance or weight. You can also get together with your friends for constructive activities such as healthy eating and exercise. Do not forget to tell your friends that you love them for who they are, not for how they look. Although it is not wrong to praise your friend for his appearance, it can sometimes be more beneficial to pay attention to things that have nothing to do with his appearance. For example, you can compliment your friend

about their sense of humor, courage, intelligence or great character. By placing more emphasis on a person's character traits, you can distract attention from their outward appearance.

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