- If there is excessive bleeding anywhere in the body, it is vital to stop it as soon as possible.

- Carefully clean the bleeding area and its surroundings and determine exactly where the bleeding focus is. Try to understand.

- Cover the wound completely with a bandage or a clean cloth and apply pressure on the bleeding area with your hand.

- Lift the arm or leg up and above the heart level and blood flow Try to calm the flow.

- While doing this, make sure that there is no suspicion of fracture in the arm or leg you lift.

- Apply a tampon by pressing on the wound area with a bandage or a clean cloth. This should cover the wound completely. Carefully apply pressure over the wound by pressing. Then wrap it well with a bandage.

- If it is seen that the bleeding still does not stop, wrap a thicker tampon thoroughly over the same bandage. Make sure that this is on the bleeding focus and in a way that applies more or less pressure.

- If the bleeding does not stop despite this, apply pressure with your hand on the main artery behind the bleeding area, close to the body, and reduce the blood flow.

- Do not apply direct pressure to the main artery for more than 19 minutes and do not tie any tight tourniquet or ligature on the vein.

- Send the patient to a healthcare institution immediately by placing the patient in a position with the legs above the body.


- If there is dirt, dirt, dust or soil on the wound, clean it first; If possible, wash with clean and plenty of water. Cover it temporarily with a clean bandage or rag. Stop the bleeding by applying pressure with your hand on the wound site for a while. Then dry and clean the wound thoroughly with a clean piece of cotton. If there are clots formed by the blood coming out, do not remove them; These are formations that help stop bleeding.

- Clean the wound and its surroundings thoroughly with Betadine solution. This will help prevent the wound from getting infected.

- Cover the wound completely with a band-aid, if available. If the wound area is large, cover the wound area completely with a sterile gauze and wrap it with a bandage.

- Then, keep it in order until the wound heals. Apply dressing accordingly. If there is anything in the wound that worries you, consult your doctor immediately.

Where there is a suspicion of fracture; Pain, swelling, sensitivity, deformity, dysfunction, movement abnormality (movement that should not be there) may be observed.

What to do:

- Always check for bleeding first. If there is bleeding, first control the bleeding and bandage the wound.

- Do not allow movement of the broken area. Never try to correct any deformity you see.

- Support the arm or leg with a splint to prevent movement of the broken area. While doing this, always be sure to apply a splint that includes the joint above the fracture site. Not allowing movement of the joint will allow the fracture site to be fixed thoroughly.

Spinal fractures should always be evaluated very seriously and carefully, as they can cause spinal cord injuries and paralysis.

- Calm the patient and ensure that he/she does not move at all. Clothes, coats, etc. should be placed around his body to prevent him from moving. Support him/her with things.

- Support his neck and head very carefully, without moving him at all.

- Seek emergency medical help immediately.


- Lay a fainting person on his back on the ground, lift his legs up and allow him to breathe easily. Check respiratory rate and pulse.

- Assess response status. If there is an abnormal situation, seek medical help immediately.

- Continue your control until the patient regains consciousness.

- Wait for the patient to recover in a short time (5-10 minutes). If he does not, seek medical help immediately.

- If the patient starts to regain consciousness, calm him down and slowly bring him to a sitting position.

- Check whether any part of him was injured when he fell.

- Do not give food or drink.


- The location of the burn and the burn area are important.

- As the area of ​​the burn increases, the possibility of shock increases. Burns covering more than 15% of the body surface can pose a risk of death.

- The burn area is a serious risk for infections. It causes burns.

- Burns that are larger than 2-3cm in diameter and go down to the skin and electrical burns must be treated in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor.

- The burn area should be cleaned and cooled immediately after the incident. It should be kept with water, if possible under the tap, for 5-10 minutes.

- Substances such as oil, cream, toothpaste, cologne, powder should never be applied to the burn area.

- If there is liquid on the burn area, If small filled vesicles have formed, they should never be touched or burst.

- Rings, watches, etc. should not be worn as swelling may occur in fingers and hands due to burns. Materials such as these should be removed.

- It should definitely not be forgotten that the burn area carries a serious risk of infection.

- Clean the burn area and its surroundings with Betadine solution.

- Clean a clean area. Cover the burn area completely with a bandage. Never use cotton.

- It is necessary to protect the burn area from pressure and friction. For this reason, do not apply a very tight bandage on the burn area.

- Immediately consult a health institution for burn dressing.


- The area where the insect stings should never be itched. Swelling should be reduced by applying ice or a cold compress to it.

- If the place where the insect stings is in the oral cavity (tongue, throat), the swelling and reaction that may occur may pose a danger of suffocation. For this reason, it would be appropriate to consult a physician immediately.


- In cases where the eye is irritated, the eye should be washed thoroughly with clean and abundant water.

- While doing this, It would be appropriate not to touch or rub the eyes with hands.

- A sterile gauze should be closed to cover the eye and its surroundings thoroughly. While doing this, be careful not to put pressure on the eye with the tampon you apply.

- If you have a suspicious condition or excessive eye irritation, consult your doctor immediately

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