Selective Mutism (SM) is the condition in which the child speaks in environments of his own choosing. Many reasons determine these choices. Sometimes he avoids talking because he is ashamed and sometimes because he is afraid. Sometimes a cause may not be found. Although the child speaks in other situations, they prefer not to speak in situations where they are expected to speak. Its incidence in society is approximately 1%. SMsince it usually resolves spontaneously in its normal course, its frequency decreases with age. SM is more common in girls than in boys. SM onset age is generally between 2-4 years. SM children speak very comfortably like normal children in the environments they choose, but they do not speak in environments where they do not choose to speak.

SM children are generally shy, fond of their families, and disobedient to their parents. In the preschool period, he is described by his family as shy and fond of his family. SM is usually noticed by the family when they start school. Sometimes, a very close relative may speak to one relative but not the other. They are usually noticed by the teacher because they do not talk to the teachers. Because SM children do not speak, their academic success is often negatively affected. SMsince they do not speak, they can use other means of communication (e.g. nodding, hand gestures, drawing, writing...). Sometimes they may not talk face to face but on the phone. Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia), Separation Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, Specific Phobia frequently accompany Selective Mutism. The cause of Selective Mutism is not fully known. SM may decrease spontaneously as the child gets older. In cases where it decreases spontaneously, timidity and shyness may continue. Late diagnosis, presence of other accompanying psychiatric and neurological diseases, low intelligence level, presence of other SM family members, and lack of family support negatively affect SM recovery. SMrequires a multifaceted approach in its treatment.

Medical treatments and cognitive behavioral treatments are very effective in the treatment of SM.

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