What is Filling?

What is a Filling?

A filling is a method of restoring the normal function and appearance of a tooth damaged due to decay. When your dentist gives you a filling, he first removes the decayed tooth tissue. It cleans the affected area and fills the gap with filling material.

It also tries to prevent the progression of decay by filling the gaps where bacteria can enter. The materials used for fillings are gold, porcelain, composite resin (tooth-colored filling) and amalgam. (alloy of mercury, silver, copper, tin and sometimes zinc).


What is the Best Type of Filling?

The same filler type may not be suitable for everyone. The right type of filling for you will be determined by the size of the decay, your allergy to certain substances, where the filling needs to be placed, and the cost. Considerations regarding different material types:

  • Gold fillings are made to order in the laboratory and glued into place. Golden inlays have good tolerance to gum disease and can be used for more than 20 years. For these reasons, many authorities consider gold to be the best filling material. However, it is the most expensive choice and is applied in more than one session.
  • Amalgam (silver) fillings are resistant to wear and relatively cheaper. However, due to their darker color, they are more noticeable than porcelain or other composite restorations and are generally not suitable for visible areas such as front teeth.
  • Composite resin is the same color as your teeth and is therefore used when a natural appearance is desired. The ingredients are mixed and placed directly into the cavity, where they are allowed to harden. Composite may not be an ideal material for large fillings as it can break and wear over time. It can also stain from tea, coffee or tobacco and they do not last as long as other types of fillings, generally lasting three to 10 years.
  • Porcelain fillings, called inlays or onlays, are produced to order in the laboratory and subsequently bonded to the tooth. Match your teeth color It is buildable and resistant to staining. Porcelain restoration generally covers a large part of the tooth. Its cost is close to gold.

If the fracture or decay has damaged a large part of the tooth, a crown or veneer may be recommended. Decay reaching the nerve can be treated in two ways: root canal (the damaged nerve is removed) or a procedure called pulp capping (done to keep the nerve alive).

How is a Filling Done?

When your dentist decides to make a filling, he will first remove the decayed tissue and then clean the other affected areas. The cleaned space will then be filled with one of the materials described above.

How do I know if I need a filling?

Your dentist can determine whether your cavity needs to be filled. During a dental exam, your dentist uses a small mirror to examine each tooth surface.

Anything that looks abnormal is checked closely with a special device. Your dentist may also want to take an x-ray of part of your mouth. The type of treatment your dentist chooses depends on the extent of damage caused by decay.

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