- Facts
The heart, which is responsible for pumping the blood that carries the substances necessary for the functioning of our organs, contracts an average of 70 times per minute to perform this task. It sends an average of 70 ml of blood to our organs. During an average human lifetime, our heart contracts approximately 2.5 billion times and pumps 180 million liters of blood to our body during this time.
Organs need nutrients and oxygen to maintain their vitality and perform their functions. These are delivered to our organs by blood. Blood is carried to the organs via arteries. Our heart pumps blood into the arteries. Like every organ, the heart also needs to be nourished. The vessels that feed the heart itself are called "coronary vessels" (coronary arteries). Diseases that may occur in the coronary vessels are of vital importance as they will directly affect the functioning and efficiency of the heart.
- Atherosclerosis
Coronary vessels are the most common and The most important disease is coronary atherosclerosis (arteriosclerosis). In this disease, some substances, especially cholesterol, accumulate in the coronary arteries and stenosis and blockages occur. Here we see the development of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) in the cardiovascular sections. The structures we call plaques, which form as a result of atherosclerosis in the vessels, can grow over time and narrow the vascular space. Since the narrowing of the blood vessel reduces the amount of blood passing through it, problems due to malnutrition of the heart develop.
The resulting situation is called coronary artery disease or coronary heart disease. As a result, the nutrition of the heart is impaired, and disorders in the rhythmic work and contraction of the heart occur in proportion to the severity of the disease. Coronary artery disease is the leading cause of death and workforce loss in adults in our country, as well as all over the world.
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