Depression is an emotional state marked by great sadness, anxiety, feelings of guilt and worthlessness, withdrawal from others, loss of sleep, appetite, sexual desire, or lack of interest in usual activities.
We all experience symptoms of depression from time to time. We experience depression, but in order to be diagnosed with depression, a person must meet certain criteria, such as having this feeling for at least two weeks.
The mental abilities of the depressed person are also impaired. They often cannot understand what they read or listen to, and have complaints such as forgetfulness, absent-mindedness, inattention or inability to focus. Speaking is a burden as well as mental energy. They speak in a monotonous tone, using few words. Most of the time they prefer to remain silent.
Their minds are full of guilt and regret towards themselves. They neglect their physical appearance and self-care. They can often be hopeless, dejected, anxious and hopeless. Feelings of crying, brooding, wandering, pain complaints (abdominal, head, joint pain, etc.), anxiety, phobia and excessive concern about one's health may also be observed. Problems may arise in marriage or close relationships. Alcohol or financial abuse may increase. It is common for depression to occur together with anxiety disorder. Negative thoughts are dominant in both.
Time takes immeasurably longer for the depressed individual or those close to him. Most episodes of depression pass within a few months. It is very good that most depressions go away on their own. However, since depression is very common and very damaging for both those who suffer from it and those around them, it is unthinkable not to treat the depressed person as there is a risk of suicide.
While psychotherapy can be used together with medical practices in moderate and severe depression, it can be used alone in mild depression. Psychotherapy can also be effective.
Whether a person is depressed or not, the severity of depression, its level, how to treat it, treatment techniques suitable for the person, can only be determined in the field of depression. It should be determined by expert psychologists or psychiatrists. Psychological problems should be handled by inexperienced and non-expert people. If it decreases, much more negative situations may be encountered.
People with depression should go out daily, even for a short time, no matter how difficult it is, take a walk in the open air, spend time for clothing and self-care, especially with people who can be good for them. It may be recommended that they come together.
The person should know himself and his disease well and identify the negative expectations and thoughts that dominate his mind. Because it would be very useful to collect evidence for thoughts that are more realistic and can have a positive impact, instead of these thoughts. For example; The person may constantly have thoughts in his mind that tell him that he is worthless and that his life is meaningless. Instead, it is necessary to find evidence that shows that you are actually valuable and that your life is useful and meaningful. Because depressed people selectively focus their attention on things that seem negative and bad, they may not be able to balance or distinguish between positive and negative factors. In this case, it is necessary to be a guide and teach how to generate thoughts through the right channel. If their expectations from life are not realistic (e.g. "everyone should love me", "my business should always go well", "I cannot fight against problems because I am too weak", etc.), then these beliefs should be brought to a realistic form.
Do not forget!
There is no such clarity in life. There will definitely be situations where you will be in uncertainty and indecision. And life is not always under our control. Problems, losses, failures, inadequacies, disappointments are expected and human situations for every person. When you encounter these, the first thing you should tell yourself is that this situation is difficult, annoying and time-consuming, but it will never last forever.
Start your fight against depression by fighting your feelings of hopelessness and pessimism.
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