What is gynecomastia surgery?
Gynecomastia is the overdevelopment of breast tissue in men. These occur during puberty in many men as a result of hormonal changes, and in most of them they resolve spontaneously. However, in some men, this breast tissue may persist after puberty and its size may increase with anabolic steroids, marijuana, alcohol and some medications. In addition to actual gynecomastia, sometimes the appearance of gynecomastia may occur as a result of excessive weight gain.
Who is a suitable candidate for gynecomastia surgery?
Excessive gynecomastia without an underlying medical reason. Those who have breast tissue and are in good health are good candidates for surgery.
What are the purposes of gynecomastia surgery?
The goals of gynecomastia surgery are to increase the volume of breast tissue with minimal visible scarring. to reduce and correct the contour of the chest wall. Fat removal may also be necessary to achieve a cosmetically attractive appearance on the breast.
What is done during surgery?
Gynecomastia surgery removes excess breast and fat under general anesthesia. It is the process of removing tissue. This breast tissue and fat can be removed with liposuction. The resulting scars depend on a number of factors, but are most often hidden in inconspicuous areas on the breast or chest. In cases with severe sagging of the breast skin, longer scars for skin removal may be necessary to achieve the proper contour of the breast.
What is the recovery period like? How much rest is required? When can you resume exercise?
The procedure may take between 1 and 2 hours. The patient can be discharged on the same day. Resting after the surgery will help you get through the process comfortably and provide better results. In the first few days after surgery, there may be pain that responds to the medications used. Postoperatively, swelling and bruising may be observed in the surgical area. It will fix itself within days. It would be appropriate to use a corset for a few weeks after surgery to help reduce swelling and bruising. Most patients can return to work within 2-3 days. During the recovery period, strenuous physical activities should be avoided for up to 4 weeks.
Where do scars remain?
Optimizing scar size and scarring Great care is taken to hide it in an area where it will be less visible. In many cases, recovery is possible with minimal scarring. In cases where there is excessive sagging of the breast skin, the length and location of the incisions will vary. The formation of this scar varies between individuals and is linked to the person's genetic predisposition. Scars usually fade gradually over time.
What are the complications of the surgery?
Complications of gynecomastia surgery are rare, as with other cosmetic procedures, and may include scarring, asymmetry, bleeding, infection, swelling and numbness. Complications specific to gynecomastia surgery include excess or insufficient tissue removal and loss of sensation around the nipple.
When will we see the final results of the surgery?
The results of the surgery will be obvious immediately. and will continue to improve as swelling decreases. These swellings may persist in small amounts for up to 6 months after surgery. Final contour results as well as scar quality require at least 6-12 months after surgery.
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