Briefly About Orthodontics

Orthodontics, also known as braces, is essentially a combination of the Latin words orthos and dontos. Ortos means smooth in Latin and dontos means teeth. The word "Orthodontics" was formed from the combination of these two words. Orthodontics is the branch of science that corrects the structure of teeth and jaws that are not in ideal positions.

Teeth in orthodontic treatment; It can be moved in the mouth with various mechanics such as fixed attachments (brackets), transparent plates and removable appliances. Jaw movements can be achieved with mobile or fixed devices before adolescence, and in adulthood, it is possible with a treatment period called orthognathic surgery, carried out together by orthodontists and oral and maxillofacial surgeons.

The reasons for patients to seek orthodontic treatment are generally aesthetic. At the same time, thanks to orthodontic treatment, as crooked teeth become ideally aligned, oral hygiene will become easier, long-term maintenance of tooth and gum health will be easier, chewing comfort will increase and the load on the jaw joint will decrease.

When the causes of orthodontic disorders are examined, the main factor is It has been observed that there are milk teeth that were extracted prematurely or left in the mouth in a rotten state. In addition, skeletal problems that can be transmitted genetically are among the causes of orthodontic disorders, and these problems can be solved with appropriate timely intervention without the need for surgery. (Jaw stenosis, Lower jaw protrusion, Upper jaw protrusion, etc.) For this reason, the first orthodontist check-up at the age of 7 is of great importance.

Orthodontic problems may also occur in cases such as mouth breathing, tonsillitis and the presence of adenoids. In this process, the treatment process is carried out together with the Ear Nose and Throat specialist. Unwanted habits such as thumb sucking, prolonged use of pacifiers and bottles, tongue-lip sucking and pencil biting can also cause deterioration in the tooth and jaw structure. The critical point here is how many hours a day this habit is practiced on average. The general opinion in the world of orthodontics is that in order for the effect of a habit to be seen on the tooth and jaw structure, that habit must be practiced for at least 6 hours a day. Teeth and jaw problems of undesirable habits observed in less than 6 hours It has been observed that its effect on the structure is minimal.

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