Life Doesn't Come to Procrastination!

Life Doesn't Come to Procrastination!

Life is not long enough to wait for whatever we postpone. When we experience the untimely demise of the things we postponed, we are left alone with regrets. There is no cure for regrets. Each'I wish'loses its meaning. In short, there are many things that are postponed or even waiting to be postponed at every moment of your life, at home, at school, at work, in your love life and in your friendship relationships.

“I clean the house later. I study for the exam after. I'll talk to my dad or mom later. I'll tell him how I feel later. I'll call him later…” Actually, later you realize that there were so many 'later's that you didn't know where to start. So, don't procrastinate! Don't postpone your life!

Don't delay telling the people you love, especially, that you love them! 'Love' is a feeling too unique to be postponed... Love and say it! Even if you lose, tell me, and if the outcome is negative, don't regret it! At least you wouldn't have said 'I wish'. Call your loved ones, talk to them. Because life is short and death unfortunately knows no age. Trying to resist time is like rowing against the tide. Start before it's too late, before the wishes are yesterday, before these days are past!

With love,

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